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Canary Islands

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 23, 2007

I am planning on going to the canary islands with 3 spearo friends for South Africa with the sole purpose of shooting fish.(We generally don't shoot the reef fish)
We are planning on going for about 10 days at the beginning of June.
We will be doing shore dives and hoping to do some open water diving.
We hope to avoid tourist traps and we are used to diving in rough seas.
Does anyone know which is the best of the islands, to dive from
Where the offshore reefs are located ect.
It would be great to meet up with some local spearo's and maybe organise some nice dives.

I snorkeled on Fuetreventura. Only in the shallows and saw mullet and bream. I understand spearing can be good but protective locals. Quieter of the islands and from the harbour you can take boats out to Lobos. Just for info I understand seals are extinct in the area? , and hammerhead sharks frequent the area off lobos and also Tiger sharks. Angle sharks however the most frequent visitors.

Fishing charters from the harbour show pictures of big game fish. inc marlin?

Most of the fish sold or displayed in resturants is small.

Sorry if my info is patchy or wrong, my trips focus on surfing.

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