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cant equalize my right ear!

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New Member
Aug 24, 2008
I have not been able to get past 20 feet because my dam right ear wont equalize!!! once i get to about 20 feet deep I cannot continue due to the pressure and pain, as I surface my ear starts popping..I tried freznel, valsalva tech's, just could not pop it. As I sit here a week later from my last dive I try dry freznel and valsalva and my left ear pops no problem, but my right ear refuses to pop. The only way for me to get it to pop is if I swallow while doing the freznel.
What do you guys think? and has this happened to you, how or what can i do to make this easier??
i suggest that you go see a Doctor (ENT)...
i guess you got a deviation in your nose (same as i got) and this is preventing the air from passing easily to the right ear...

my Dr. said that i have to sit for an operation to fix it up...but im waiting for the season to be over

good luck and dive safe
it happens. on the surface swallow, open your mouth, move your jaw in all directions etc. i help myself also with pulling and moving ear's lobule/ lower part of the ear in different directions.
Have you tried taking a sudafed or other decongestant before diving? A lot of spearos I know take sudafed before every dive. I have held back because I dont want to become dependant but It might help in your situation.
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