I started out at 1:30 thinking that I owuld never see 2 minutes click by, with deep breathing exercises and the twice a week use of Static Apnea Tables (link>
Static Apnea Tables by Freediver.co.uk and Freedivers.net :: Graphics by Mozzi) I WOULD RECOMMEND USING TABLE B AND SET YOUR current MAX TIME FOR THE SECOND TO LAST APNEA HOLD, SO THAT YOUR ARE PRESSING INTO A NEW pb BY only 15 SECONDS.
I EVENTUALLY made a PB of 3:30. That is nothing great or huge really, most of the people on here are 4+ mins static, and unofficialy rhumored (public bragging) world records claim to approach 10+ mins. Keep in mind that static and dynamic times vary depending on your ability to process oxygen, and it may have less to do with your vital lung capacity. (Jaque Mayol for example has a relatively low lung capacity somewhere around 4 liters, while Pezzillari is a little over 6 liters, Lance armstron is 8 liters by comparison) Yoga, Calmness, Familiarity with your surroundings, and your overall peacefullness may have more to do with direct Apnea performance.
If I could recommend one thing for you to focus on I would say that your Exhale is the most important.
when you breath normally you have a comparitivley large residual volume of unexhaled air remaining in your lungs. (perhaps it is an evolutionary artifact against getting a collapsed lung in the event of a sudden impact).
Inhale, and make sure that your exhales take twice as long (will reduce your heart rate).
as you exhale and get to where it seems like there isnt anymore, press harder in your diaphram, letting air wheese out your throat, you will see (if you use a lung expander muscle trainer and your diaphram correctly), that there is alot more air to expell that you thought before.
once you get in the habit of making practical use of your residual volume, 2 minutes will come with no contractions (urge to either swallow or VOMIT, or GAG depending on your personal reflexes)
it is always great to surpass what you thought personally possible while still being comfortable, and depending on your tenacity, it will come sooner than you think as long as you can relax and maintain a slow steady heart rate, and have a partner to assist you in the event of an emergency.
best of luck, abd be safe.