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Carbon fins for 30+m

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Jun 22, 2003
I need new fins for this season, and I finally saved some money for them, weeee :friday
Question is - which fins should I buy (freediving only, I don't do spearfishing)?
I was thinking about Majestic, are they good for freediving, any expiriences here?

yes, they have to be bi-fins, not mono :(

ok, question for freedivers who do not use monofin: which fins do recommend?
I have C4's with omer footpockets in 30 stiffness. I love them. I also have cressi gara2000's that I use for spearfishing on the reef. I love them too. The footpockets are more comfortable than my C4's, but overall not nearly as efficient.
I have the medium stiffness specialfins hybrid (thanks to Marwan), they are very good, so far the best I've ever try, great for surface swiming and great for vertical dives. I've try the C4/30 they are also very good fins and the hybrid hards.

But this is a very personal issue, you can spend months researching, it is also important to consider you weight, for me 6 feet 165 lb, the special fin hybrid hard is too stiff, the medium is perfect, but If I was a heavier guy, the equation could change.

You should do a search on fins on this forum, there are several thread out there, at least this will get you to start.
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I've read a bit about the Majestic/Pathos Fireblade combo and am interested in finding out more (that isn't in Greek :) ) about these fins. Seem good for a range of diving styles.

I wonder how they compare to Omer Rekord 3's and C4 25's ?

i was planning on getting some carbons eventually so will add it to my dream list as I find out more ! Just planning on getting to 20m this year with luck and bigger lungs.

Currently using Waterway Captain Nemo stiffness number 2 with Omer 44/46 footpoclets.

It seems that the Pathos Fireblade footpockets are a good blend of being light/flexible in the heel/stiff on the rails and very comfortable. I wonder what the corresponding sizes are compared to Omer footpockets ?

Anyone know where to buy Majestic/Pathos Fireblade fins ? I had a look on the shop here (scubastore) but didn't see them.
Hi =)

I must recomend the fins that I use now.. Ive heard that they are quite the same as C4/30 but ive tried both and think that this is little harder then C4/30.. I talk ofcourse about "M-technic pure" ..
I have dive (cwt, dyn and freedive) with mono in last 3years but when I now just for try used my M-technic, I did PB in every tried.. Recomend "Pure" because its little harder then soft but softer then medium =)

Best wishes =)
i have Genesiss / seac sub bifins 85 cm stiff blades

and this medium stiff mono by specialfins

i must tell u that i'm very happy with my bi-fins [i found them more effective than gara3000, but u must have strong legs]

in the future try 2 buy a monofin, because it's a different experience
at least in pool trainig [dinamic apneea] the mono will provide u more effectiveness than the normal bi-fins
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