There have been a few times when my float line unclips itself when connected via carabiner to the gun.
The float I use is a beuchat guardian so heavier than most, although drag is minimal. It's really odd as I can't see how they can unclip themselves...
I have used carabiners for years for different things and never had a problem.
Perhaps I need to use a swivel before the carabiner.
Has this happened to anyone else?
The types I have tried which have unclipped are:
Maybe I will try one of these instead:
The float I use is a beuchat guardian so heavier than most, although drag is minimal. It's really odd as I can't see how they can unclip themselves...
I have used carabiners for years for different things and never had a problem.
Perhaps I need to use a swivel before the carabiner.
Has this happened to anyone else?
The types I have tried which have unclipped are:
Maybe I will try one of these instead: