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Carp with no scales?

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The Sucker Slayer
Jun 6, 2008
So i went spearing the other day with waldo and ended up getting four carp and he got one. but the second one i shot only had about 20 big scales and the were spotted around. at first i didnt know what happened to it. i thought maybe disease from the river or born that way. it was just gross because the scale kind of peeled off without really doing anything. fleshy told me it could have been a "glass carp" but i just wanted to see what you guys thought. ill get a picture up asap

You get a variety of carp types. Here in South Africa, we get:
Common Carp, which is completely scaled
Mirror Carp, which has partial scales
Leather Carp, which has no scales

All are the same species, just with different scale patterns!!
Rightto - I saw one of those the other day. Mirror carp - they look sort of like some of the Japanese Koi that have varigated Scaline.
A bit like this but maybe bigger?
If so then a Mirror Carp it is.

Mirror Carp mate, over here people will pay a shit load of money to try and catch and release them and anything over 25lb is considered a real bonus fish.
Over with you heathens well you just smack a spear into them….:martial:martial
Wonder if I can catch the next flight to Wisconsin with my 90cm.roflrofl
Podge- I could set you up with countless mirror carp - some over 30lbs.
Mirror carp have been purposely developed for use as a food fish, fully scaled carp were messy & time consuming to descale prier to eating. German breeders selected suitable carp until they eventually produced a scaleless fish - the leather carp, however they did not look very nice as a table fish so further breeding resulted in the partially scaled fish - the mirror carp.
Most carp that are sold for the table are farmed to a suitable size & fed a variety of different foods to enhance their flavor, wild fish, especially ones that root around in muddy lake bottoms are not very good eating quality.
Wild caught carp would normally be purged in fresh water for three days to help remover the strong taste of mud! Obviously not possible for a speared carp!
yup. i think this looks like the one about so mirror carp it is. i dont think im gonna shoot them for now on. they just look disqusting to me. but all other carp better watch out.


  • mirrorcarp.jpg
    57.5 KB · Views: 205
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I said it might be a glass or mirror carp. Ive only ever seen a couple of each, and never really learned the difference, because we dont see them much around here. Lol I was talking to ethan about it me -"It was probably a glass carp, or a mirror carp." Ethan - "What next? A plastic carp maybe?!" rofl
Aye, carp angling is getting to be all the rage here too. Some Brits have set up a website dedicated to it here Car Angling in Michigan

I can tell you we have some monsters here in the bay. This video has some footage a couple of encounters.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xlO2Wy86Jys]YouTube - Close Encounters[/ame]
One of my Favorite Videos! Thanks for posting- Great Song by Placebo!
That is some nice looking fish.
Do you guys eat the carp you spear?
I know a few carp anglers over here that would pay a heap to catch fish like that.
What was that catfish looking thing in the video? Obviously a catfish of some type, edible???
Its this: [ame=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Burbot]Burbot - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia[/ame]
Reactions: podge
Thanks Ragman, so I take it from the reference to Lobster that they taste a lot better than they look. And it seems that they’ll even make you’re hair shine.
All in all a top fish.
To believe the local (Carinthia, Austria) older fishermen, they should taste very good ... so it is no wonder that this fish is full-year-protected in our river.
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