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catching fish while diving?

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New Member
May 15, 2008
catching fish while diving?
Ok, I was wondering if there where ways to catch fish under water without causing serious harm.
I was given a chance to make a little cash on the side by managing large fish ponds there where once an old fishery. After going down and checking out the fish for the first time. I saw that some ponds are crawling with huge fish while others are almost empty of fish and are crawling with insect larva and weeds. I was wondering if there was a way I could go down and target specific fish, and using electric current, or some other method to stun them and move them from one tank to another.
There are 20 one acre ponds/lakes
The drop in a steady slant from the shore to a depth of 15-25 foot.
They are all freshwater,
the species of fish vary, they have,
trout (rainbow, brown, brook, cut thought)
carp (not sure what sub species)

bass (large/small mouth)
catfish (channel and bobble [an African species with eel like tails])
common coy
I can get within 3-4 foot of any fish I want, they have never seen a diver. I just need some ideas if you have any.
look up electro fishing, we use it here for trout in small streams, but it is limited in depth.

Culver eh? one of my bestfriends went there many moons ago......
I wonder if a Salmon tailer might work ? It's a pole with a lasso of stainless steel at the end , used to land Salmon without harming them , while rod fishing . It works on Salmon because they have splayed , rigid tails , so may not work on all the fish you mentioned , but I bet it would be fun to try !
This would be a good way, and I have looked into it a little. The only question I have is if I could use it while diving. I need a way to target a specific fish. It there a way to use percussion blasts? I am also trying to keep myself alive here ha ha
No way. Pressure waves underwater do serious damage to living tissue. An explosion on land that was 10m away that did not kill you will most certainly rip you to shreds underwater, because of the pressure waves.
Unless your getting payed alot of money or its a long time gig you should just use a fishing rod.. Not very easy to target the big or little fish but cheap. Getting a net is going to cost a load and i do not think they rent the electric roads out to any one...
You may even need a license especial that your transporting fish and that some are not native... Even carp are ify
i know that an explosion would at the least blow my eardrums out... is there a way for me to use sound waves or water/air blasts?

the job will make me plenty of cash and i get payed by the hour, but there is a rather large completion bonus that gets bigger depending on how good of a job i do.

i know i could get by with nets and i have even rigged some underwater traps with soft netting that have been working ok so far, but its a lot of work to chase them into the traps (the small fish go right in but the big ones are wary of them even when i hide them in the grasses) and this question has me thinking!
It is a good challenge at the least. So any more ideas or even just information on how you can disable/stun a fish would be much appreciated.
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