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'Cause Spearos cannot live by fish alone

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Deeper Blue Budget Bwana
Jan 13, 2004
And sometimes you just gotta have dessert!

Cabalus Apple Puff Pastry Tart

1 pkg. fzn. puff pastry
1 lb. apples, peeled, halved, cored and thinly sliced
3 eggs
3 Tbs. heavy whipping cream (100 cl.)
½ cup brown sugar. (100 grams)

Pre-heat your oven to 450 F. (235 C)
Spread the pastry into a greased pie pan
Arrange the apple slices decoratively on the pastry.
Mix the eggs, cream and brown sugar and pour this over the apples.
Bake 30 about 30 minutes.
Watch the tart carefully while it cooks.
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