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Cayman or Cozumel or Bahamas?

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Well-Known Member
Jul 30, 2003
-Cayman Islands?


-Bahamas (Deans blue hole)?

What areas would you reccomend. I am going with my girlfriend who is planning to take a PADI certificate (beginner) as well. I am worried about damage by the last big hurricane (both to accommodations and reefs), anyone have information about that?

I am a decent/average freediver myself (40m constant weight record). I am looking for easily accessible dive spots (preferably short distance from shore since I use a monofin).

Living cost is also a consideration.

I welcome any advice !
Hi Bernt,

If you have some local support or know the area well, and have a boat, the Bahamas can be superb. Long Island particularly. One of my favorite places on earth. However it ain't cheap and its long and expensive to get to the best diving.

Haven't been to Coz, but the reports from other freedivers are pretty mixed. Do a search on this site.

If you are going with your girl, Cayman has much to recommend. no boat needed for most of it, easy and not too expensive to get to, good night life on Grand Cayman. Being there can be pretty pricey. If you are really into diving, Little Cayman is the best and probably the cheapest, just not much else to do there. Fly Cayman Air and the extra puddle jumper is almost free. The freediving is incredible, all close to shore, 2 m to 2000m, take your pick. Make your turn at 40 meters and there are 30 meters of vertical wall ABOVE you. The reefs are in better shape than Grand Cayman and hurricane damage is not an issue. Quite a place. Look in Freediving Stories for the thread "Little Cayman, unirdna and cdavis reporting" or something like that. McCoys is one of the few places that knows how to deal with freedivers.

Have fun planning

Thanks a bunch for the acvice Connor. The pendlum is swinging heavily toward Little Cayman now
Let us know how it came out, especially if you go to Little Cayman. McCoys is a little hard to find on the web. If you have trouble, pm me for an address.

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