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Central Illinois Freediving...

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I just wanna dive
Jul 11, 2005
Checking with local dive shops, no one really knows of anyone in my area that freedives. I'm starting dry land training, but I want to get in the water and train as well. I already swim the length of the pool underwater with no fins, but I want to start pushing myself. Anyone near Peoria Illinois? I know it's a hotbed of freediving activity here ;)!

Can you make it up to Wisconsin to dive? How about over to Chicago? We acutally have a freediving jamboree of sorts going on in two weeks up in Lake Wazee- Black river Falls Wisconsin.

PM me if your interested.

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Checking with local dive shops, no one really knows of anyone in my area that freedives. I'm starting dry land training, but I want to get in the water and train as well. I already swim the length of the pool underwater with no fins, but I want to start pushing myself. Anyone near Peoria Illinois? I know it's a hotbed of freediving activity here ;)!


Nice to meet You Chris!

Funny thing You found me thru YouTube instead of DB, but at the end it does not matter which way as long as there is good side of the internet proved again. I am glad to have another buddy, too bad You just missed freedive palooza, great event in great state of Wisconsin. Let's stay in touch for training in pool and Kankakee quarry, there are records to brake!:)

Any pool training in Chicago? I would really like to get some sort of pool training and advice. Early next year I plan to get formal training, but I still have no one to practice with in Peoria.
Kankakee quarry, Saturday. Let me know, I am going with Jim, we can meet You there
Nostres, sorry I could not make it last weekend. But I'm open next weekend if your going to be diving someplace. I'd love to come and hang out and meet a freediver or two! Haigh would be great, but but southern WI or something works too. Let me know if you got something coming up so I can get it all worked out!

Anyone in Illinois or South Wisconsin doing any diving this weekend or next?
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