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Check this guy out!

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Deeper Blue Addict
Mar 2, 2006
I found the pic on another spearo site. The guys were saying, I think you used a telescope to shoot those fish. LMAO. They said, this is BAD noobie, don't be shooting those tiny fish.roflroflrofl

I have Removed the picture and locked this thread. it;s not fair to that diver (who has shot more fish in that one picture then at least 2 of the posters below!) to have it left up. if you want to bash other divers for their Legal catches, please do it on another board. Thanx, Amphibious.
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I'd kick that boy's a$$ if he were my dive buddy. If it were my boat, those fish ain't coming on the boat.
Slow down a bit guys, we need some additional information. Those fish would get a diver laughed off my boat too, but what do we know about the conditions where they were shot? Maybe that's all that is present, maybe that is considered an ok catch where he dives. Who knows without some context. I see a lot of pics of small grouper shot recently in the Florida Keys and considered good catches. Forty years ago those same fish would have gotten the spearo labeled as a baby killer.

It was in Maui that those fish were shot. Some of them arn't any bigger than his fist!
Considering the image spearos have in the public eye...this doesn't help.

So even if it's legal, I won't let it come on my boat (I won't be mean about it but the guy would definitely get my drift and throw them back if he were a passenger on my boat).
Hold on a sec...if u see a big fish u shoot it...thats the way it goes usually...but if the biggest fish is this size then there is no other choice.
in my situation...to get a big fish, i have to drive for hours...otherwise i will just dive near by and practice my aiming on those little fish(which r harder to shoot and they r really fast)then ofcourse eat it as fish fingers lol...

cheers and keep it up...
1shot said:
Considering the image spearos have in the public eye...this doesn't help.

This is true! I was talking to some guy the other day about fishing. I of course brought up the fact that I also spearfish. The dude looked at me all furious and stuff. He was literally ready to start a fight because he believed what I did was unsportsman like and too easy.
easy guys. I have shot LOTS of fish no bigger then my hand. there are many delicious species out there that are tiny and it takes a great deal of skill to pick off a fast moving fish the size of a dollar bill. without knowing the shooter or the species on his stringer I have NO PROBLEM with that photo.

I think it's far worse to hunt out the biggest fish around, just becuase it's the biggest.

Polystigma said:
And he even used a float!

Honestly, what does a float have to do with it? I use a float when I'm grabbing crabs with my hands. If you were fishing in Maui and had dead fish, I would hope you'd have enough sense to tie them to a float rather then your belt, reguardless of size. if not, can I have your kit when Mr. GreySuit goes for your catch?
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Are they juveniles of a certain species or adults? My problem with shooting juveniles of any species is the conservation of future breeding stocks. Kill all the babies and we're f****d wherever you spearfish. Adult fish will have at least had the chance to reproduce. So I guess size doesn't really matter does it girls? rofl rofl
I know what happend, He was probbly swiming in the amazon looking for turtles when a school of piranhas attacked him and he had to shoot his way out of the river.

thats really screwed up. i think spearfishing is way harder than regular fishing. i guess that guy hates also hunters also. spearfishing and hunting are basically the same principles. but spearfishing has probably been around longer than fishing. rofl but that guy who speared those little goldfish is pretty screwed up. there is no point in spearing fish that small, you just dont get any meat or anything off of them. but the size of that beauchat gun that he used!!! rofl rofl he must be a crazy good shot also.
One thing often overlooked but accepted by ecologists is that it is AS important ore more important to leave the BIG fish! Consider this; it is the BIG fish that lay most eggs and keep the population going. Another as important factor (or maybe even more important) is the genetics. If you konstantly kill tha biggest fish the "best" genes will be much more uncommon. It is all about evolution and the survival of the fittest. It is no longer beneficial to be big in an environment constantly selectig AGAINST big individuals. You can simply alter the whole ecosystem by killing the biggest all the time. Of course you cannot keep shooting all the small "juveniles" but killing the largest individuals are simply disasterous...
....if you ask an ecologist.

On the othar hand there might be systems where the biggest fish keep the smaller in "check". Systems which may seem dead.

My point beeing, you cannot just blame the silly guy just shooting small fish when it might be just as big a folly to keep slaying the big ones.
Hypersquid1 said:
but that guy who speared those little goldfish is pretty screwed up. there is no point in spearing fish that small, you just dont get any meat or anything off of them.

you can judge a spearo after you've gone spearing at least once. untill then.... :mute

Guess I'm pretty screwed up, shot lots of fish that size
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