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Check this out !!!!!!!

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Waiting for Summer!!!
May 28, 2002
Got this of freediver.net

This photo was taken at Scottburgh during the annual sardine 'run' - the silvery color around the sharks is a pocket of sardines. This phenomenon is spectacular to behold, and can be very productive for divers hunting gamefish. The 'run' is normally in June/July and lasts for 3-4 weeks. Sardine shoals 20 km long and 2km wide are not uncommon!! (Check out the size of the sharks in relation to the cars parked on the beach.)


  • sards.jpg
    24.9 KB · Views: 490
:D I didn't see any spearo's in the water nearby.... those are darn big sharks... :head if you jump in with them...

OK, I am now y that no matter how difficult the fish come by near my close by coastal waters, at least I don't see and won't ever see sharks that size.

I can chummed all day long or bleed myself to death, still nothing this awesome will ever come, they don't belong here. He he he. I think the photo is an areal shot from a chopper/heli and I am sure the distance of the car is double that of the sharks, meaning the shark is still at least as big as a car......... Damn lucky me for living where I live.

Sigh ....

We get this each year. This photo is OLD .... and it's BS ...

First off, it's Park Rynie, not Scottburgh. Secondly, I can do a better editing job with ms paint ....

The water around the sharks are a lot lighter than the rest of the water, the shadows of the sharks are on the wrong side (check them against the shaddows of the vehicles and the shaddow of the bridge), the edges of the shoal is too straight to be anything but human / computer - induced ... the list goes on and on.

Pretty good photo overall though. Check out the photos (authenticated ones) in the Aliwal Shoal thread, and check the daily report on the sardine run

Is our beloved DeeperBlue falling prey to scams? I hope not.
Inside info ..

The culprit His is allegedly Mike Hunt - coincidence or another wise 'crack'? However, that notwithstanding, you should check the dots all around the sardine shoal in the original ... still pretty scary ... they are sharks and other predators.

I'm trying to find the original for you .... will post it when I do.
Damn, the photo conned me !!!


U R right, the shadow of the shark and the car is opposite. This must be taken on Planet Earth 2 nd parallel universe where I heard there are 2 sun over there... he he he.

I thought the shark was so scarry till even the plankton around the shark moved away and thus clearer water around the shark. It must be the Jack Daniel in me looking at the photo. :duh

Damn u have eyes like a fish thief, good skill.:cool:

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