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Children spearo's

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spearo nobby

New Member
Feb 26, 2011
hi guys been a long time since i have posted on here. i thought i would show u all how i hav used my time out of water.

im sorry lee but i hav been training in the pool this winter with my new buddy. he is closer to my size so we can sneak up on those munter bass without being detected.

ha ha !! this is my son kaden that is starting up this year so for his birthday next week i made him his first spearo suit with his input. now hav cudos for being the best daddy in the world. hope u guys enjoy my handy work.
happy easter guys


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Re: Dorset Spearfishing 2013

Awesome suit !! he looks a little young for a gun though...

not at all. he can load a gun and will b with me the whole time. we are going in the water without the gun for a few dives then he will take gun with him . this will b 1 newbie that will hav responsible spearing built into him . i think the fact that he has a good breathold and has grown up with me spearing is a good time to start him up. he wants to do it and has asked for over a year to do it so why not.
Re: Dorset Spearfishing 2013

that seem like a good topic for a debate tho! wen should some 1 start spearing?
my veiw is with the right input the younger the better. take a teenager for example he has seen ppl doin it and it looks cool. then goes out with buddys and nails everything in sight including there buddy they r diving with. with my son for example has a dad that does it and is resposible in doing the sport teaching him everything he knows while he is at an age where they think there dad is the coolest man in the world behind spider man so will listen and take it all in. no danger wen he goes out with mates wen he is older and saves atleast a few fish from bein caught that r undersize.

i would like to hear other ppls view on the age subject tho. could hav some good responces.
nice 1 for raising the suject foxfish rep on way
Reactions: fishimani
Re: Re: Dorset Spearfishing 2013

Awesome suit !! he looks a little young for a gun though...

Kaden is actually 20 years old; unfortunately Nobby has passed down his hobbit gene!!

Oh....and don't believe that Nobby made that suit for him; I saw Nobby wearing that exact suit last year before he put on 4lbs in weight for not being in the water all winter.

Nobby is only 3ft 4inches in real life......I only spear with him in order for the portland pose to have more effect on my 2lb fish!!!!

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Re: Dorset Spearfishing 2013

If Nobby catches a double figure bass this year...then you just won't see 'Nobby' ,,,, well maybe just his giant feet sticking out from under the fish.

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Re: Dorset Spearfishing 2013

Nobby..I think u need to change your name to spearo baggins.

Nasty hobbitses taking our fishes!

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Re: Dorset Spearfishing 2013

I think younger the better depending on sport activeity?involved the swiss mountain people ski before they can walk .I'm sure Eskimos kill n eat soon as they can to learn to the survival/ way of life .A friend of mine lives the country shooting life an instructor for basc his little boy has shot game since he could hold a gun safely and ethically.Hope we can all do the same in our 'field' without interference from others.ps can I have his suite when he's grown out of it !it s hard to find a suit to fit little hobbits like us ! LOL.
Re: Dorset Spearfishing 2013

Speargun is a GUN... It is nice to start early I think but the responsibility is huge in case accidents... What if U got shot (hopefully never) and ur with your kid in the water... I've got goose bumps when I think about that... My personal opinion is that it is better to start with camera instead of speargun...
Re: Dorset Spearfishing 2013

i knew this would spark a good debate with good reasons for and against.
the being shot part is a possibility but in my eyes very small. in my persanal opinion i would feel musch safer with my son learning from myself rather than a spearo self taught and picked tips up from other ppl. i hav been on the receving end of being shot at on 4 different occasions from 4 different spearos 1 being a spearo of many years and is in his 30s. i will b taeching my son how i spear and how to act so i feel im at less risk of this eva happening from my own son.

it is a subject that i know not every1 will agree with and i fully respect that.
there are many sports that starting young can b looked on in a dim view for example motorcross. my friend has a son the same age as mine that rides motorbikes and as much as he is all kitted up the danger is far greater of him injoring or killing himself.

in my opinion both sports r fine starting young and i think my boy is lucky to b tought from an early age.
it gives me every confidence that he will b a very knowlageable and responsible spearo at an age that some ppl would only just entertain letting there child go and in them merits itself i think i have made the right choice for the age my son should start. its even more essental that my son learns to respect the sea in the area we live in and the earlier the better.
i am excited about wot my son could actualy achieve by the time he hits his early teens with starting at a young age. he could even become a british champ!
Re: Dorset Spearfishing 2013

That was my other thought i didnt post .why dont we win many olympic golds win all sorts of sports around the globe because other countries .start there sports men out at a very early age .we in the uk are 10 to 15 years behind !golfer /tennis/diving its the same your boy will have 10years more experience than any one all of us !fantastic ! not like my spelling .
Reactions: spearo nobby
Re: Dorset Spearfishing 2013

With you there mate , only last year I seen some adults walking around the Marina with loaded gun trying to get Mullet from pontoons ! I grew up on a farm and was shooting 12 bores at a very early age was always amazed at some of the senior guys who started shooting in later life ! lets just say the wild west had nothing on them . Was supervised and taught well in safety issues. Mind you in some countries he would have been given a machine gun and it would not be for fish ! Love the suit probably fit me too ha ha
Reactions: spearo nobby
Re: Dorset Spearfishing 2013

I totally agree with you that it is better if U teach your son about safety and ethics bcoz other wise he could pick up bad habits. When i was writting about being shot I was thinking about one of my experiences... One day I was spearing near Old Harry's Rocks. I saw that ferry that goes inbetween poole and chanel islands. It passed me (a couple of miles off shore I gues) and about 5 min later when I was near the cliffs the swell came from nowere... There was 3 ma y 4 waves and i was hit on the rocks badly (i am quite experienced swimmer and diver as i used to be professional lifeguard for many years, I am swimming instructor and i have been freediving for 11 years now). We never know how little boy would act if he was put in this situatuon, keeping in mind that he would have to do few activities simultaneously (keeping the ballance in water, breathing or breathholding, holding the gun safely). I always predict bad scenario just in case if something bad happens... But I think that the younger U are when you start doing something the better it is in the future, the more natural the activity is for U...
Reactions: spearo nobby
Re: Dorset Spearfishing 2013

Hello Nobby,

What a great thing to be sharing with your son. Im sure he will have a great time as we all know nothing better than getting in the old soup for a dip!
Reactions: spearo nobby
Re: Dorset Spearfishing 2013

that is a fair point and sounds like 1 bad expeareance to me. yeah that is true that in that case a child could come pretty bad off so tottally agre with wot u hav stated in all posts on the matter. myself and my son will be going to very sheltered and shallow spots with no risk of that happening . until my son gets to grips with the gun i will have my gun but not loaded so he can see that i have it with me he will b swimming infront of me with me keeping him in view hot on his tale to help with woteva situation until i feel comfortable that he can have space between us and for me to have a gun loaded. hope this draws a pic on how i will be teaching him as it is hard to put in words .

thanks for your responce tho mate this is shaping up into a nice healthy debate with good points raised
Re: Dorset Spearfishing 2013

Hello Nobby,

What a great thing to be sharing with your son. Im sure he will have a great time as we all know nothing better than getting in the old soup for a dip!

yeah mate i am chuffed as hell he is wanting to do it with me also that he totally gets the whole love for the water. i have never seen a child so relaxed in the water and under the water . he knows how to breath up and has a great breathold for any bigginers standards dispite his age. he loves the freedome he gets from being under water.

oh and his words he would like a bass for his first fish but would settle for a mullett. roflroflchamp!!
Re: Dorset Spearfishing 2013

well after from Spearolee,s "sizeist" comments could you please confirm which one is you in the photo,s !!!! On a more serious note though ,it amazes me when people comment about parental responsibility,they often fail to realise than no one cares for the child more than the parents themselves ( usually !)
Reactions: spearo nobby
Re: Dorset Spearfishing 2013

Great picture Nob. I bet you proud as anything with him.
Fins look a bit small though stop been so tight and get the poor lad a pair of carbons roflroflrofl

If it was my lad I would have him using a pole spear first purely besause he will out fish me with a gun roflroflrofl

All the best chap look forward to seeing his catches
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Re: Dorset Spearfishing 2013

Great stuff Nobby! I can't wait until my girls are big enough to get them out diving with me (they're 4 and 2 now so a little bit longer...). They both love fish and they enjoy catching mackerel off our little boat, and they love watching me go diving, so it is all shaping up nicely. We need more female spearos around...
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