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Choosing a mask when you're nowhere near a dive shop.

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Active Member
Apr 1, 2016
Hi everyone, I'm looking for a new mask but have the problem that the nearest dive shop is about 1,000 miles away, and that one focuses on SCUBA. I know you're suppose to try on masks until you find one that's perfect for you, but that's not really a possibility. The only thing I can do is order one. Are there any dive masks that tend to be more universally sized for the average person?
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I have bought my last 4 masks - each a different brand and model - on-line without too much problem, especially as I have a fairly large head and face and masks are getting smaller.

I think modern silicone skirted models are more forgiving.

This forum is a good source of information and recommendations
But trying it yourself is best, obviously
I currently use a Technisub Aqualung Micromask for Spearfishing. A cressi mask became popular after that I forget the model name. Lots to try!

Before that I used an X-combat mask (nice and good box), Omer Alien ( misted up before extensive cleaning and use. One lens came out after several years use but fitted it back using vice, carefully. No box.) And before that a Taiwanese copy of the Cressi Big Eyes - a nice scuba mask I think, wife likes it for snorkelling now (big glass and clear skirts). Before that I had an old 1970s British, rubber Brit Marine mask! Masks are getting better ;)
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I think most try to be universal fitting, but some may fit you better than others of course. When I started experimenting with lower and lower volume masks, the fitment became more of an issue. The more silicone you have around the mask, I think that's more forgiving, but that also may lead to a larger volume mask. I ended up settling on the Gull Mantis LV. It's low enough volume for my deep dives, but still fit well. I do spearfish primarily, so my "deep" may not be yours.
I have the same problem. Tried an Omer alien. Had to give it away. It completely dug into my forehead.

I don’t have an answer. Shopping is so difficult for many, I know. I have heard the Salvimar Noah has a broad range of faces it fits. I finally got to try on a Cressi calibro and it fit me. I should probably buy it but really want to try the noah.
I would buy from an on-line shop that allows returns. I have a Cressi Nano and it is one of the most comfortable masks I've ever owned.
Yes but, I don’t know where op lives. I’ve lived in usa and also places outside us. You usually deal with import taxes and then shipment costs to go back. It becomes totally undoable. I pay 40% import tax
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