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Chronological order?

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
It can take a long time to get an up-to-date response or contact with relevant users.


Morone saxatilis
Mar 8, 2003
Hi Steven et al,

When I'm redaing a thread it seams the posts are coming up in a jumbled order. I'm not sure if this involves people 'responding' to posts in the middle of a thread or not. Is there a way to show the posts in chronolgical order per browser, or is this a new wrinkle to DB?

I just switched to 'linear' mode. Hopefully that will fix the problem. I tried to delete this thread but couldn't figure that out either. Sorry. Well, while your here there's a third mode, 'forum' perhaps? Care to elaborate on the differences. Thanks again.

The default view is set to "Linear" which is the "old fashioned" view of the world that shows posts in chronological order.

"Threaded" View shows posts depending on which post people have replied to, thus creating a thread for people to see under each topic.

"Hybrid" is a combination of both.

Nobody uses Threaded or Hybrid really so best to stick to linear!
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