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Clearwater Area Spearfishing?

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
It can take a long time to get an up-to-date response or contact with relevant users.


New Member
Apr 15, 2002
Hello, my name is Vince and I'm very much a beginner in the sport of spearfishing. I live near the clearwater area and i was wondering if anybody could help me out, by giving me some spots to learn the ropes. I've been trying to find spots with a waterchart but haven't had very much luck. If someone could give me a few spots that would be nice, but i'd be VERY happy with just general areas ranging from st. pete to springhill. Thank you very much to anyone who might be able to offer some help.

Freediving/Spearfishing in Clearwater

I am in Clearwater and have been training for about 7 months now. I have not found any good places to dive here that are close to shore. Offshore, the water is very clear and King fish are running now. I have yet to get offshore to freedive and I have yet to purchase any spearfishing equipment. I am taking Kirck Krack's performance freediving clinic in Miami in September. I hope to gain some of the skills I need to feel confident offshore. If you find any great spots to dive, let me know and visa-versa. Untill then, dive safe.

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