Hello, I have been freediving for some years now. I always had a problem with contractions, strong big early contractions. I can grind myself to a 5/6min. no warm up apnea, but for for recreational diving it is non acceptable.
I have developed relaxation and technique I can do some good performances, still I have to be extremely resilient my contractions don't have middle term, they are strong and they are persistent. My focus is to create safe way to deal with contractions and still be safe.
I would like to know which training and diet (I'm doing an alkaline diet at the moment) do you guys use for CO" training? Butekayo breathing? CO2 with only one breath between? Crazy table? FRC? Does someone had the same problem? which training worked in that case? training 3/4 times a week is enough?
Best regards
PS: I don't do any breath up or hyperventilation, only 3 or 2 big breaths before diving.
I have developed relaxation and technique I can do some good performances, still I have to be extremely resilient my contractions don't have middle term, they are strong and they are persistent. My focus is to create safe way to deal with contractions and still be safe.
I would like to know which training and diet (I'm doing an alkaline diet at the moment) do you guys use for CO" training? Butekayo breathing? CO2 with only one breath between? Crazy table? FRC? Does someone had the same problem? which training worked in that case? training 3/4 times a week is enough?
Best regards
PS: I don't do any breath up or hyperventilation, only 3 or 2 big breaths before diving.