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Coming back to diving...

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New Member
Sep 1, 2021
G'day fellow divers.

I'm getting back to diving as my seven years old son demonstrated interest in the activity.

I started diving myself at the age of 12 in 1976.

I also had interest in diving as a youngster. Twelve was OK to be intrigued by the sport but at seven like my son sound ridiculous... Lol.. Anyway...

My father asked a good friend of his, a Navy Officer, to show me the ropes.
He was a non competitive spear hunter and had several arbaletts in several sizes.
So I was allowed to hunt with some of his spare equipment.

I loved it.

I ended up joining the Navy and became a navy officer myself.

During the 20 something years at the navy I staid as far as possible from diving as I could never even mentioning that I ever dived before to anyone.

Now retired and with my son having interest on it, due to his choices of YouTube videos, I decided to come back to my passion to teach him.

I promise that I will not be as prolix as this in my next posts.

This was a one in a lifetime introduction.

Thank you for letting me join you guys.

Let's dive in... Lol

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