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commercial red abalone take in So-Calif

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Well-Known Member
Jun 9, 2004
The California Department of Fish and Game is considering reopening of commercial harvests of red abalone in Southern California (San Miguel Island). They will be making their decision at next weeks California Fish and Game Commission Meeting on December 8-9 at The James W. Kellogg Training Center: 935 Detroit Ave, Concord
For more information go to http://www.dfg.ca.gov/mrd/armp/chapter7.html
Department of Fish and Game Headquarters
1416 Ninth Street
Sacramento, CA 95814

The San Diego Council of Divers is in opposition to Abalone Recovery and Management Plan chapter 7 Option 8. Reopening the commercial abalone harvest will provide a legal means of selling poached abalone. There is extensive abalone poaching going on all up and down the California coastline.

From the DFG web page
“7.3.8 Alternative 8: Limited Abalone Fishery at Selected Areas at a Reduced Density and Prior to Full Recovery in All Areas
(applies to recovery areas within the moratorium area)
The alternative allows the Commission to consider abalone (Haliotis spp.) fisheries in specific locations that have partially recovered prior to achieving full recovery as defined in the ARMP. This alternative would be implemented initially for red abalone at San Miguel Island using a reduced density criterion. It recognizes that viable abalone populations currently exist, and that a broad size range of abalone is present at San Miguel Island. It also recognizes that densities of abalone appear to be above MVP levels at San Miguel Island, and the fact that no-take reserves implemented after the fishery closure will help to ensure continued abalone populations. Other areas, such as the Farallon Islands, may be considered once data are available to show the acceptable density criterion has been met and the fishery at San Miguel Island proves to be practicable.
Alternative 8 allows fishing prior to achieving Recovery Criterion 3 (three-quarters of the recovery areas achieving a specified density). In this alternative, fisheries may be considered in individual areas that show a broad size range and an average abalone density above an established MVP level. The initial abalone density to open a fishery would be developed using sound scientific data and following standard fisheries management guidelines. This number would be based in particular on the most recent San Miguel Island abalone density surveys. If populations drop below MVP levels, the fishery would be closed and re-evaluated. ……..
· A commercial fishery would be beneficial to the commercial divers and would result in associated economic benefits
· A recreational fishery would provide resource use to recreational divers and would result in associated economic benefits
· The state would derive funds from permit fees, and taxes
· Fishery-dependent data could be obtained and used for management
· Funding for ongoing enhancement projects will continue and a structure will be developed to efficiently direct those funds
· Monitoring data will direct changes in management and enhancement efforts
· The presence of commercial divers on the fishing grounds may enhance enforcement efforts
· This alternative may limit recovery elsewhere by allowing limited harvest during the recovery process
· Reducing the abalone population by fishing may reduce the reproductive potential
· This alternative will increase the enforcement burden on the Department and the resulting increased need for enforcement could adversely affect other areas if enforcement resources are not supplemented
· In order to initiate the assessments necessary to implement the recreational portion of this alternative, the Department would need to divert staff and funding from other priorities. Existing State law also requires the Department to expend dollars to manage the commercial portion of this alternative commensurate with the commercial-related income we receive from the fishery. “
I'm confused. Isn't it a bit too soon to open this sort of thing? Isn't the population just recovering from excessive take?
I agree, the abalone numbers are too low to justify a commercial harvest.
There is a good chance that the California fish and game commission will bow to commercial pressures and reopen the commercial take in 2006.

Go next weeks DFG commission meeting in conncord! Let them know what you think. Let your voice be heard!
December 8-9
California Fish and Game Commission Meeting
The James W. Kellogg Training Center
935 Detroit Ave, Concord
Additional Information: http://www.fgc.ca.gov/2005/2005mtgs.html
People within the DFG department validated viability of this proposal. The DFG department is governed by the DFG commission who uses a blend of political, commercial, environmental, and biological inputs to manage and developed abalone policies. They have a bad history of reactive policies based on politics. The commercial guys asked the commission to open abalone.
Remember; This is the work or the commission not the game wardens in the field.
Yeah, unfortunately, the game wardens are the last to have a say in policy. Pity, because they're the only ones who really know what's going on out there.
The free diving community need to have a voice at the DFG meeting. I cann't go because I live in San Diego.
How is the abalone population down there, from the perspective of a Southern California diver?
The so-cal ab population is in a sad state. There I so few abs that I started naming them. Its fun to see how they are doing when the spear fishing is slow.
They almost always get poached with in a few years of being named.
Does the population have a variety of ages and sizes of abalone?
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