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Common AIDA / FFESSM (CMAS) competition

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
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Before you start criticizing, you should perhaps get more information first.
I've seen AIDA and CMAS rules, I have no idea about FFESSM rules. There were FFESSM rules published or they dynamically changed during our discussion? How about 15 sec interval for SP?
Originally Posted by Kars:
1) With two different set of rules you cannot have one fair ranking results list and winner..
So you'll have two of them. Who cares? Finally you told yourself that you prefer choice over monopoly. What's important is that we can participate.

Originally Posted by Kars:
2) With CMAS divers submitting to the CMAS exclusion rule by still doing dynamic under CMAS rules, they are still submitting their personal freedom in fear of Exclusion. This is NOT civil disobedience, but submitting.
Again: who cares about disobedience? The goal is to do what you want, regardless of some stupid bureaucrats. If you manage doing it by tricking them out, so why not? Sooner or later they recognize the futility and the uselessness of the rule, and abolish it anyway.

"What's important is that we can participate. " That is the problem with CMAS, once you've participated in another organisation's Dynamic, you can't participate at a CMAS competition for a whole year.

Outsmarting CMAS:
- Do you know of any CMAS member who did participate at an different dynamic competition that did not got any warning or punishment and continuous to successfully 'outsmart' CMAS competing at both CMAS and other competitions? - By participating at other competitions I mean performing under other rules than CMAS.

Civil Disobedience is a non-violent technique, employed by people (like Gandi) to force the controllers to take the people's wishes and demands seriously. "Who cares?" - The controllers do, because of fear of loosing power. The people because it's the only non-violent way to insure to have a life instead of just existing being a slave to the controllers.

"Sooner or later they recognize the futility and the uselessness of the rule, and abolish it anyway."
I'm confident in that in the eyes of most CMAS bureaucrats the rule works fine doing it's designed purpose. A few complaints here and there, but after some slow non-awsers those will die out, and everyone will submit to it like it has never been different. It's the law, solid like a wall, just swallow it or build your own private pool!

Maybe your place is different, where bureaucrats and politicians actually do respect the people when they're asked politely. - How did your people manage to have such well behaved servants to the people???
Here our breed thinks they are more evolved than the normal people, they see them like blind naive children. Like good parents they say they listen, utter some comforting sounds, maybe adjust some wording into feel good words, then with broad smiles and heavy pockets continue to curtail and squeeze the serfs, more and more to satisfy their never ending quest for absolute control and godlike power.

I merely suggested some ideas to improve CMAS members freedom situation, in a non-violent way, what is wrong with that?

I hope that freedom loving competing CMAS members have the courage to organise and change the rules to their liking. - I'm happy to help them with idea's and strategies.

Love, Courage and Water,


Most people will gladly accept slavery, under the right circumstances.
The best and most productive slaves are those that falsely believe they are free.
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This is the freedom - you choose what you want. If you dislike CMAS, you compete only under AIDA (as many of us do). However, the problem actually does not concern most of us, but in fact only the top 3 competitors who get selected for the international CMAS championships. There is absolutely no problem between FFESSM and AIDA - you can compete in both camps as much as you want, and you will never be persecuted. Only if you get selected for the WC or EC, you'd have problems with CMAS. Some of the best French freedivers already turned back their face to CMAS and participate on AIDA competitions anyway (lately it was for example Mathieu Fabry who was selected to the CMAS WC, but despite it he went to compete under AIDA). At all of us others, it won't have any impact on anything regardless if we compete under AIDA, or FFESSM, or both of them. We just get more opportunities to compete.
All of this does sort of imply that Pierre Dernier & Achilles Ferrerro actually care about freediving. They are the ones that need to change the rules and frankly, they're only really interested in finswimming.

Spearfishing, underwater hockey, SCUBA and freediving: Four out of eight activities that CMAS are involved with have all had breakaways due to their treatment. Two were in the last couple of years. I doubt that CMAS is worried at all about the current situation, nor do I see them 'giving in' because some athletes stop competing under their control. Hell, in underwater hockey they lost ALL the former world champion countries to the WAA, INCLUDING the French. It hasn't changed a thing.
Funny, just we spoke about it, and in fact already in that time several top French freedivers abandoned the national team which should go to the CMAS WC. Instead of it they plan attending the AIDA WC. So, after Mathieu Fabry (3rd rank in France in 2008), who left the French national team already last year, and makes only AIDA competitions this year, it surprised me that also Frederic Sessa chose to abandon the CMAS representation. He was the French champion in 2008, and also in 2009 -he just won the championship in Mulhouse a few days ago. He is the CMAS DYN world record holder with the performance of 223,65m, and won also the last European Championship.

Besides Sessa, also the #2, Morgan Bourc'His refused to participate in the CMAS national team, and several other top freedivers did not even bother to come to the FFESSM championship this year, and focused only on AIDA competitions instead.

So although the non-presence of the several top French freedivers may not have any big impact, because they'll be replaced by others, not having Sessa on the CMAS WC will certainly not pass unnoticed. In addition, I saw the guy, and he has incredible potential - he did his first 200m just after several weeks or a very few months of using a monofin, without a neckweight. I think he is able to attack the standing AIDA record too. So I am definitely looking forward to see what he shows in Denmark.
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In fact, it seems there will be no CMAS WC this year, at least not for the
usual freediving (dyn, jump blue) disciplines. The CMAS World Games
were supposed to be held in Tunisia, but the tunisians turned it down in the "last minute". CMAS is reorganizing some sports WC here and there, but apparently nothing is being done for freediving.
OK, that may explain why so many left, then. And will there be any EU championship this year?
CMAS are going back to individual WCs per sport, rather than the underwater olympics for this year. UWH has organised a new comp (but likely only made up from European nations), but I have no idea if anyone made the effort for Freediving.
The common AIDA+FFESSM competition is now over. If you are interested, there are the results here: http://apnea.cz/docs/Marseille_Indoor_2009.xls

Some performances were not bad, but when I saw the list of inscribed athletes, I expected higher level. Especially the performance of the French Champion, Fred Sessa were surprisingly low. Some of the inscribed athletes did not show up - for example Guilhaume Nery.

Myself, I missed the 3rd rank in DNF and in the overall ranking (by 1.7 pts :head), because of penalization for breaking the surface - I did not test the pool before the attempt (no warm-up), and did not estimate well my depth in the shallow part. But anyway, my DNF performance was far below my expectation, and that was more disappointing than the missed 3rd rank.

Otherwise it was a very nice competition, with good atmosphere, and although it was organized at the last minute (after previous cancellation due to lack of pool); despite the complications of double standards (AIDA and FFESSM), despite quite a small team of organizers, and despite the low cost (20€), it ran perfectly smoothly, with no problems at all. Absolutely professionally managed.

The competitors dived mixed according to their announcements, regardless of their federation, and it did not create any chaos or stress at all. It was as if there were no differences at all. My sincere congratulations to the organizers - Massilia Sub club of Marseille and Greg Piazzola (the president of AIDA France)! Excellent job.
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