Professional diver Rob compared XTAR D26 2500 to the D36 5800, D26 1600, and D26 1100. You can clearly see in the picture and video below.
More sharing from Rob. “I dive with these lights in Pompano Beach FL. No issues at all with any of the Xtar lights. And I own my 1st one having been with me as a backup my last 57 dives which equates to about 68 hours underwater for me. Every once I add some grease in a while, clean the o rings and they just keep on working well.”
More sharing from Rob. “I dive with these lights in Pompano Beach FL. No issues at all with any of the Xtar lights. And I own my 1st one having been with me as a backup my last 57 dives which equates to about 68 hours underwater for me. Every once I add some grease in a while, clean the o rings and they just keep on working well.”