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compilation Printer 2012 - Bretagne [video]

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Well-Known Member
Oct 11, 2010
hello in all :)
I want to offer, in all modesty, my new video, compilation done in Finistere (Bretagne/France), Printer 2012, despite a bad weather, i've done nice dives and i send you a few extracts,North Atlantic, the water is 14/15°c.
good viewing in all ;), video is 13 mins long about (coley, mackerel, sea bass ...)

HD (720p)
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:cool:Hi coolshark cool vid. How can we from jersey & quernsey spearfishing in the morbihan what club are you with.

thx john.
Hi coolshark cool vid. How can we from jersey & quernsey spearfishing in the morbihan what club are you with.

thx john.

i don't dive in the Morbihan but in the Finistère
and i'm not in a club.
see you soon
Great video - I actually came across this on YouTube yesterday.

Stunning conditions - would love to fish there!

Great shot on the Sea Trout!
What about a license can you get holiday/tourist license i always thought you had to be in a club to dive/spearfish in france ?

Do you ever come over to jersey?
What about a license can you get holiday/tourist license i always thought you had to be in a club to dive/spearfish in france ?

Do you ever come over to jersey?

2 solutions:

1. license in a club
2. (me) get a third-party insurance and a photocopy of ID card.

and some safety rules (sorry in french)
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