for scuba beginners training i would like to programm a computer game which simulates buancy in scubadiving.
it is meant to be an additional training for Scuba beginners.
- inflate/deflate the jacket
- actual depth
- pressure
- volume of the air in the BCD
- actual ascend/decend rate
(- air consumption at that depth)
- visual reference of the depth and the BCD Volume (sideview of the diver)
All displayed parameters can be hidden for more difficulty.
I think i am gonna program it in macromedia director.
would be nice to get some comments.
for scuba beginners training i would like to programm a computer game which simulates buancy in scubadiving.
it is meant to be an additional training for Scuba beginners.
- inflate/deflate the jacket
- actual depth
- pressure
- volume of the air in the BCD
- actual ascend/decend rate
(- air consumption at that depth)
- visual reference of the depth and the BCD Volume (sideview of the diver)
All displayed parameters can be hidden for more difficulty.
I think i am gonna program it in macromedia director.
would be nice to get some comments.