Has anyone found a good way to delay contractions on constant weight dives? On deep dives I don't get any contractions during the descent, but often I'll get a contraction very soon after I start swimming up. I'm not at all sure that these are CO2 contractions, I think they could be somehow related to the change from rest to work.
The contractions wouldn't really be a problem, except that I think contractions at depth are the main reason I have had a little blood in my spit a couple of times, which is of course something I want to avoid altogether.
I have done lots of FRC-dives that I believe have been more stressful to my lungs than my deepest full-lung dives, except that I have not had contractions during these dives. There has never been any sign of blood after the FRC-dives.
At what stage during your depth dives do you get contractions? What is the best way to delay contractions on constant weight dives? The only things I can think of are hypercapnic training (only tried CO2-tables a couple of times, do they really work at delaying contractions?), a better warm-up, better relaxation and hyperventilation. The last one is not really a very good option!
I would be thankful for any input, as I don't think getting contractions at depth can be good for you. Otherwise the dives feel very good.
The contractions wouldn't really be a problem, except that I think contractions at depth are the main reason I have had a little blood in my spit a couple of times, which is of course something I want to avoid altogether.
I have done lots of FRC-dives that I believe have been more stressful to my lungs than my deepest full-lung dives, except that I have not had contractions during these dives. There has never been any sign of blood after the FRC-dives.
At what stage during your depth dives do you get contractions? What is the best way to delay contractions on constant weight dives? The only things I can think of are hypercapnic training (only tried CO2-tables a couple of times, do they really work at delaying contractions?), a better warm-up, better relaxation and hyperventilation. The last one is not really a very good option!
I would be thankful for any input, as I don't think getting contractions at depth can be good for you. Otherwise the dives feel very good.