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Cooking Lobster. What's best?

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
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How do you do it?

  • Boiled

    Votes: 10 90.9%
  • Grilled

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • On the coals

    Votes: 1 9.1%

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Paul Maxwell

Well-Known Member
Feb 24, 2004

I was wondering if anyone out there has had much success with the perfection of cooking a lobster.
I have tried various times for boiling them and the tail always goes a bit mushy. To me that would mean I am cooking them for too long but I have done as little as 6 minutes from inserting on the boil in fresh water.
In SA your crayfish are done as soon as the shell goes pink/light red. I have tried that with lobster and it is far too long.
It has got to a stage where I have been ignoring them.
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The only thing I can think of is did you definately put enough salt in? If the water is less salty than sea water, the lobster will soak it up while boiling.
Three things to try. Salt water as Sunfish says, half-cook them, split the tail and finish with the broiler or split them first and steam them with a vegetable tray. We tried the steam method and never boiled a lobster again. Not sure about the claws though.
hi i boil mine with scotch bonet pepper ( little hot peppers )and little onion for about 7- 10 min open tail and heave with roast vegetable and as sunfish says don't forgot salt good luck and enjoy it .
My favourite way is to boil them in the water they live in. Boil til they turn deep red - I've never had a mushy one yet.
just to cheer you up im sending 2 photos from last holliday from jamaica where water is full of lobsters. and fish
happy hunting
its a must take your wife book cottage on beach and happy hunting

anybody interested cottages for 40 pounds with air con telly and little kitchen to cook your fish

here you are Ansell's Thatch Walk Cottages - Negril Jamaica


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When you take the lobsters out of the water, plunge them into a bowl of ice water.
This will stop the cooking process and the mushy flesh.
Works for all crustaceans.
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