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Correct band length

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Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2002
I have a 130cm Beuchat Mudial Pro and the original 20mm bands seemed a little short when I got it and I diidn't think much of it until I tried to load it. It was preposterously difficult. After alomsot a half hour of supreme effort I got it loaded to the first notch and about 20 seconds later it broke at the junction between the band scew and the wishbone. I went back and the store only had 16mm bands that were quite a bit longer (about 40cm). These bands are pretty easy to load but seems really weak. Can anyone help me out with the correct bad length. I definately want to go back to 20mm. Thanks
Hi 73,

Typical band strecth I know is at 270%-300%. Measure the notch of the shaft to the muzzle where the band is to be inserted, divide by 3. The length of the wishbone alone adds to the equation. 20mm band is never easy to load...

Have fun,
Didn't think Beuchat made a 130? Hmmm....

Did you try the Beucat website? you can at least get the stock band length there...

I agree with Willer. I did not think Beuchat comes with 130 cm (?older model). On my 115 Beuchat Mundial I actually had to go down a size (I forget the exact length but I think I went from 32 to 30cm). It is still pretty easy to load and not as hard as my RA 120.


If you look at that site, you'll see the gun barrel lengths & the corresponding band lengths(20mm stock bands):

50cm gun ---- 5.1 inch bands
60cm gun ---- 6.25 inch bands
75cm gun ---- 7 inch bands
90cm gun ---- 8.5 inch bands
100cm gun ---- 9.75 inch bands
115cm gun ---- 11 inch bands

As previously noted, I've also never seen a 130cm gun... are you measuring the entire length or the barrel length(established euro-gun convention)? I believe a 115 is about 130cm in total length... so please verify that.

If it is indeed a 130, the band length should be somewhere around 12.25 inches long.

Hope this helps!

ho cuz, forgot one more thing - use 2.54 as conversion # for switch between the two...

inches x 2.54 = centimeters


centimeters / 2.54 = inches

Most of you probably know that, but just as a helpful reminder :hmm
Thanks for the help. I was in fact measuring the length of the entire gun. Thanks for setting me straight. This will definately help.
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