alot of people are unsure of what causes you to crack you knuckles. the anwser is the nitrogen gas between in your joins escaping (same reason raw carrots crack when you bite, except thats from wate), if you go down deep, eventualy presssurized Nitrogen will build up, then what on accent? you knuckles wont expload or anything but there will still be lots. i doubt youll blow up your kuckles or something, but do you feel like you realy need to crack your knuckles as you go up? (never gone very deep scuba). on a side note if you had all this nitrgwn in your body, which is the main ingredient in air, would cracking all your joints after a dive (or anytime) cause the gas in your veins to stop your heart? or say in a... 100 foot dive you go up and crack your knuckles (or any more joints) at like 50 ft, coult it cause barotrauma on the way up from all that extra gas?
just curious -Matt
just curious -Matt