The European Union is only one step away from banning ALL nutritional supplements in Europe (including vitamins and minerals). They are doing this under pressure from the drug companies, so it doesn't suprise me that they would ban creatine or any other supplement. For example, here in Canada, it is almost impossible to buy amino acids (i.e. L-arginine, L-glycine, etc., or any other protein powder consisting of free-form amino acids)!! They are banned! Does this mean that amino acids are bad? They are just protein.... Also, here in Canada, it is not possible to buy the 'picolinate' form of any mineral (i.e. zinc picolinate, iron picolinate), even though all the studies show that these are the best kinds of minerals. So, just because Canada has banned 'picolinate' minerals, does this mean that picolinate minerals are bad?
Supplements are already in your body. Drugs are created by man. The IOC does not ban supplements, they ban drugs, and only drugs which are shown to be harmful. The exception is hormones (such as hGH and EPO). Hormones are in your body, but taking exogenous hormones is very dangerous.
The reason the drug companies want all nutritional supplements banned is obvious. They make more money. Most men, for example, are zinc deficient, which causes sexual problems. By banning zinc, the drug companies are assured that the man will be prescribed viagra, to 'cure' his problems. By preventing menstruating women from taking calcium, the women are more likely to get moody and depressed, so the doctors then prescribe prozac to 'cure' the depression. The long term effects of preventing people from taking calcium include osteoperosis, so the drug companies will make a fortune treating that disease. Some people have a need for a lot of magnesium; by blocking those people from accessing magnesium, they can even have seizures. But, if they have seizures, the doctors prescribe drugs for epilepsy. Of course, the epilepsy drugs have side effects which could includes migraines, but the doctors can prescribe all sorts of drugs to fix the migraines, but the side effects of those drugs can include homicidal mania! So then you commit crimes and go to jail! But the drug companies make money. Creatine is given to many people with brain problems (some people's bodies cannot convert guanidinoacetate into creatine). Creatine has given them a new life. But, the drug companies would rather ban creatine and give the patient some more expensive drugs.
Of course, even though the drug companies want all supplements banned, the presidents of these companies are known to take supplements themselves... to keep themselves healthy.
So ask yourself, would you rather take supplements (i.e. vitamins, zinc, folic acid, choline, creatine etc..), or would you rather take chemicals invented by men (viagra, prozac, tylenol etc.)
In the old days, of course, all you needed to do was eat food! But MAN has screwed up the land so badly that food no longer has enough nutrition in it. For example, most people think that eating oranges gives them lots of vitamin C. But, oranges have been so badly hybridized, and grown in poor land, that many oranges in supermarkets today have NON-DETECTABLE levels of Vitamin C !!!
Eric Fattah
BC, Canada