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Cressi Comanche

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
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New Member
Apr 30, 2007
Some time ago I purchased a Cressi Comanche from ebay. Since then I have been using guns on which the line attached to a ring on the road. You donot get that on a comanche, all you have is a tiny hole at the end of the road. I am quite confused as to how to attached the line to the rod. Is any one out there who could post some photos showing how it is done or any one who could offer comprensive instructions.
Looking forward to hear from any one who could oblige.
Comanche was my first gun! I simply passed the line through the tube and tied a big knot in it to stop it pulling back out. Job done.

I think you're meant to pass it through the tube and secure it near the handle though, allowing a bungee in between.

you have to use crimps to attach the line, that is if you are using monofilament...if you are using a regular 2mm nylon line, you could just try tying a knot like a bowline knot
Thanks guys for your suggestions and special thanks to Marginatus and Miles of course. Can't wait for my holiday now.
I have a comanche 90 and rig it with nylon threaded through the hole in the spear then crimped leaving a loop of about 1.5cm as any shorter and it fouls the socket and jams. this happened when i saw my biggest bass ever Honest!
anyway the line goes though the spear guide hole at the business end loops back to the release catch by the trigger guard then up to a the front to tieoff or crimp. I now have a small length of bungie to keep it all niclt tensioned and also to stop the snatching if I miss.
If you like I'll send you a photo
Hopefully these photos are self explanatory. the mono has snapped once hence the white nylon braid between the gun and the bungee, act a bit like a muppet in the current if i wave it about a bit. i found the critical thing was to allow a big enough loop or it will jam on you
no didnt work so ill email them separately
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