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Cressi Focus or Cressi SuperOcchio?

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New Member
Apr 1, 2006
Hi all,

I was wondering which of these masks are the better of the two for recreational freediving. I'm going diving soon in the philippines.

I have found that the Super Occhio is very fit and face dependent. It leaks around the upper lip area when I use it - especially with a snorkel in my mouth. I have tried the the Focus as well and compared to the Super Occhio, I prefer the Focus for fit. I know a lot of people love the S.O. so go figure - see if you can try in the water before you buy.
For recreational freediving mask - field of vision is the main parameter. So i'd prefer Focus. And if you have such an option, even bigger field of vision with Cressi Matrix/BigEyes, Technisub Kea/Mythos, Tusa Platina, etc...
Mask volume really matters after 20m deep, which is deeper than most recreational dives.
K I guess I'm going with the Cressi focus as I found a cheap one on leisurepro.com, but what color should I get clear or tec/black?
If you are refering to skirt color - I prefer black as it helps me relax and focus on images directly in my field of vision without annoying ambient light coming in from the sides on clear skirts.
Alright kewl, then a black skirt it is. Leisurepro has just tec/black and black/silver. This may sound stupid but I am not familiar with tec/black...what is tec?

Thanks all for your replies,
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