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Cressi Gara 3000 to Specialfins Freediving Monofin Carbon

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
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New Member
May 9, 2006
Hello Everyone,

I was wondering if; within this vast amount of knowledge and experiance contained within the lovely group of people found here in this forum, someone may be able to help me.

I currently have Cressi 3000's. I use the LD most often as I like to swim for a length of time without discomfort. My HF I use when I want efficiency. I should mention I am extremely new to Freediving and have no professional training, yet.

The foot pockets do not fit me all that well. Barefoot is fine, but if I use a 3mm sock, the footpocket does squeeze from the sides becoming too painfull to wear after a few minutes.

I want to purchase a Mono from SpecialFins, as I currently use a dolphin kick even with bi-fins.

Martin from Specialfins has recomended the Freediving Monofin Carbon in Medium for swim times of about 2 hours.

I was wondering if anyone has used the Gara 3000's and the Freediving Monofin Carbon and can compare the stifness levels and the fit of the foot pockets, which are by Omer.

Another point I guess I should make is the water is very warm in the Red Sea, currently about 76of - 86oF so socks are not necessary temperature wise. I have been in a pair of shorts most of the time. I would love to buy some 1.5mm socks to try if they were available over the net but I can't find any. All my supplies are from Deeperblue Shop. There is nothing available here locally from shops.

Thank you for taking the time to read this!!
i use the monofin with the omer footpocket for hours in the sea no problem i wouldn t take it stiffer than medium.
and the carbon medium is even a bit stiffer than the colored medium
with the cressi footpocket i have no problems as well,
but i am allways using 3 mm socks in both fins
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