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Cressi Gara footpocket measurements

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New Member
Feb 10, 2008
Hey guys!

I am looking to buy a pair of cressi gara 3000 LD's online and i really need some help choosing the right size. I was wondering if the owners of cressi gara's could help me measure the length and width of the footpocket and state the relevant size of the fins please?

My feet size lengthwise is 26.5-27.5cm (10 1/2 - 10 3/4 inches), and widthwise at 11-11.5cm ( 4 1/4 - 1 1/2inches)!

Please advise! (=

Thanks for your help in advance!

Hello Jimmy.

Sorry, I can´t measure my fins right now, because they´re 100 km away from me.

But my fins have US-size 10. And this is also my size in all of my shoes. The fins fit perfectly. Even with neoprene-socks of 2,5mm they fit perfectly.