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Cressi Sub Wetsuits

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Old Man Dan

Well-Known Member
May 26, 2005
Does anyone use the Cressi Sub World Competition suit or the Tecnica suit? If so, can you provide your review of the suit? for example, quality, fit, value, etc.

Many thanks,
Hello Dan.

My Cressi Competition 2 (should be the same as the world competition) should arrive next week. I can post a review as soon as I have it here. But only "dry". I´ll use it for the first time in November.
Dan have the 5mm one and an Elios love both. The cressi is a great fit for me but all depends on your build.Cant really fault it takes a lot of abuse and its the one I usually use for recreational. My brother got one too and loves it.
I have a 5mm World Competition and I have to admit that I loved it from the very first moment!!!

If you are a normal built person it the measures shouldnt be a problem! Except one has arms and lags like a gorilla :D

I used the suit in water temeratures from 40° - 70° and I was always comfortable with it! Especially the resistance of the suit is excellent.
Hi Dan, I use http://www.cressi-sub.it/easyUp/store/a_m_pesca_team.jpg and it is incredible. Very light and supple, warm too.

If between two sizes buy the smaller one to fit better, these things are so stretchy that they will forgive a little tightness. Be prepared to increase your lead by about 20% for the first 10 to 20 sessions.

Good luck
Thank you all very much for the great information; I sincerely appreciate it. I think I'll order one, and will let you know how it works out. I've been using Cressi masks and fins, and have been very happy with them, so I'd imagine the Cressi suits would be well-made also.

Where do you all do your diving?

Best regards,
Welcome OMD. I'm OMD too. Also I am a fan of cressisuits although I currently use an Immersion suit i still have an old Cressi, which is still going strong after nearly 8 years.

Dan I.m across that small pond we call the atlantic so water temps are at present 15 C on the surface and drop to about 8 C in a few months time. Cressi is fine for freediving and I have used it for scuba too but do it find it colder for that probably due to the compression.
OMD and Feargus,

You guys dive in some cold water! If you ever make it to New Orleans, let me know, and we'll try to set up some dives in the nice warm Gulf of Mexico (assuming of course no hurricanes, tropical storms, etc.). Thanks for the input on the suits.

Best regards,
My 5 mm Competition 2 - it´s the world competition - arrived last week.

It fits perfectly (Size 4 - I´m 1,87 m, 73 kg). You can easily slip into it without any lubricant at all. Ok, you have to be careful, for sure. But that´s not a proble at all.
You can bring your arms in front of you without almost any resistance. It´s totally different to my scuba-suit (Marex Trilatic Deluxe).
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