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Crimping pliers

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New Member
Aug 10, 2012
Hey Guys
New to forum and new to Spearfishing. Can anyone recommend some crimping pliers. I used a cheap pair that I already owned but the finished job doesn't look as neat as the ones I have seen on Youtube so am now a little concerned that my first shot will see my spear disappear into the distance .....
I can remember when I first joined this forum and someone else asked a very similar question.
I answered saying that I used an ordinary pair of basic crimping pliers but only crimped lightly once in the middle however I always blob the tag end with a flame.
Well I got shot down in flames by some 'intimidating' members saying that I must use an expensive purpose crimping tool to achieve a strong hold!
Anyway seven years later I still use my little cheap pliers & the same technique - never had one fail as yet!
I think the issue with cheap devices comes when folk clamp down to hard & damage the mono whereas - the proper sized tool will not allow this to happen.
Obviously it would be best to invest in the right tool for the job but you can get good results using my method too.....
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I totally agree with foxfish, I used to use a set of pliers an a vice, looking back now it was a bit overkill but that's why I bought the crimping pliers (but I paid a LOT more for them) because it is very easy and tidy. At the end of the day if it doesn't slip and you don't squeeze them too hard it doesn't matter what you use for crimping
Foxfish is right. It may well have been my post that started the original discussion. I agonized over which crimpers to get. Turns out you don't even need a special tool - the crimps are very soft and pretty much anything will do the job, pliers, snipe-nose pliers, vice, cheap electrical crimper,....

The care you take can will likely make as much difference as the tool. Having said that, Rob Allen spearguns come with very long, tidy, consistent crimps - I think they use a big bench mounted crimper (I don't no why, as I said, the crimps are quite soft). Mushroom the end of the mono-filament as Foxfish already mentioned (Miles, reckoned he landed a fish on an uncrimped joined because he mushroomed the end with a lighter before forgetting to finish the job). Put some superglue into it too if you have some handy.
I seem to recall that the RA Dive Factory use(d), a bench-mounted crimper, designed for factory use. But most bicuspid crimpers do a reasonable job - sounds like you found a good wide pair - which is probably what scuba-doo is looking for. I guess you could make something out of wood or metal to fit the jaws of a vice too if you are handy - but as I said, the crimps are soft and almost anything will do the job. Mako1 webpage covers the key points well (e.g. crimping the sides not the top/bottom, mushrooming the end).