Viz and weather forcast has put a stop to spearing so figured I'd sort out my line issues! Until now i have always used nylon line or monofilament. Choice is based on what i can put my hands on! .. Currently one gun is rigged with nylon that I need to change and the other with monofilament which is only 100lb as it was all I could get locally. Yes I know :rcard and shame on me :naughty.
So to put things right I need line, crimps and crimping tool. I'm only shooting fish in the 3 - 10lb range, although i expect its the shock on the line after firing that puts the strain on the line.
So I don't spend unecessary ££s on the wrong or unneeded kit can I be advised please on line, crimps and crimping tool. thanks.
So to put things right I need line, crimps and crimping tool. I'm only shooting fish in the 3 - 10lb range, although i expect its the shock on the line after firing that puts the strain on the line.
So I don't spend unecessary ££s on the wrong or unneeded kit can I be advised please on line, crimps and crimping tool. thanks.