Hi all,
Lately I've been observing a curious fact:
As a warm-up I usually do a little bit of Pranayama (3x60 Kapalabhati 'shining skull',
and 3 rounds of 4:16:8 alternate nostril breathing (anuloma viloma)) and some Sun Salutations to get the juices flowing and avoiding bone cracking
So, after this warm-up I feel really energized and loose. I begin my swim/bike/calisthenics/run/whatever,
and magically my pulsometer goes 10 beats per minute below the usual rate. Same times/lap, same perceived effort. In other words, my body is doing less effort to acomplish the same task.
I removed the Sun Salutations from the warn-up and still get the same results. But if I quit any of the two Pranamayas, dont get the effect.
Any comments, suggestions, explanations about this curious fact?
Cheers, Oscar
Lately I've been observing a curious fact:
As a warm-up I usually do a little bit of Pranayama (3x60 Kapalabhati 'shining skull',
and 3 rounds of 4:16:8 alternate nostril breathing (anuloma viloma)) and some Sun Salutations to get the juices flowing and avoiding bone cracking
So, after this warm-up I feel really energized and loose. I begin my swim/bike/calisthenics/run/whatever,
and magically my pulsometer goes 10 beats per minute below the usual rate. Same times/lap, same perceived effort. In other words, my body is doing less effort to acomplish the same task.
I removed the Sun Salutations from the warn-up and still get the same results. But if I quit any of the two Pranamayas, dont get the effect.
Any comments, suggestions, explanations about this curious fact?
Cheers, Oscar