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Custom Elios Measurements?

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
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Morone saxatilis
Mar 8, 2003
Hi all,

I just sent in my custom measurements to elios and recieved an e-mail back questioning some of my numbers. I watched the videos for every one and checked twice. I have a very normally proportioned body, so i'm just wondering if most people get this re-confirming e-mail or if my measuements are somehow horribly wrong :waterwork .

Please chime in if you have any experience w/ this b/c I'd hate to not have my new suit fit just right.

Thanks again, Chris
I got a follow up email too. I take that as phenomenal service. The suit fits perfectly :)
Erik Y.
Me too - I did the measurements again and they were about the same, but it is worth checking.

I think that they always send you the checking email - glad they did on one occassion as a mate got measured by one of his friends and all the measurements were out !

Better to measure twice, cut once as my old man often says !

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Come to think of it, I never heard of anyone NOT being asked to take second measurements. Enjoy the suit. :)
They asked if I had a pointy or long chin! I do, and the suit covers my hideous disfigurement :blackeye
Erik Y.
I'm with Eric on that one. I take it as a sign of craftsmanship.
and mine fits great!

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