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custom made mask skirt/mask modifications?

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
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New Member
Jul 9, 2001
Hi! I've tried alot of masks and I am very happy with my latest, the Cressi Matrix. The field of vision is just awsome.

Pretty much the only drawback I can find is a feature Cressi is so proud of - the downward tilt. I can imagine this is nice for scuba diving where you need good view of your instruments but it free diving there really is no reason unless you are a tummy fetischist or something :t The manufacturers idea of "eliminating the reflections from the surface" is also a load of bull... :naughty

If I force/push the top frame towards my forehead and thus eliminating the tilt/angle the field of vision is truly unbelieavable. I don't see any part of the frame!

This lead me to the idea of modding it and search for mask mod links and diy instructions on the net. Haven't found much yet so I thought I'd post a quick question here.

Do you know of any sites of interest in regards to mask modding, custom mask skirt molding or anything remotely related?
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A bit off-topic....
I've had a lot of masks.
The last mask I bought was a Matrix and I absolutely dislike it!
The Anti-Fog glass is a big joke. Actually I've never had a mask that fogs up as much as the Matrix does and none of the comon tricks works here (spite, lube, dishwashing detergent, ...)
The skirt on the lower side of the matrix is way to short to be comfortable.
The mask also tends to move upwards.
It also doesn't fit my face well... a problem that I've never experienced with a mask before. The bad fit is also reason for some leakage.

Sorry, I had to get rid off my "Matrix-Frustration".

Some modding tips, especially skirt-related would be welcome!
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