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cuting holes for trigger mech.

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New Member
Jul 24, 2005
cuting holes for track and trigger mech.

How can I cut the holes for a Riffe trigger mech, and the slot in the side the gun for the line release? Also how can cut the track for the shaft?
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You could do it several ways depending on your woodworking skill.
  • With a morticing machine, either hollow chisel or a slot morticer
  • With a Router using a guide fence and some support either side of the stock
  • With a drill press and some sharp chisels to clean up the waste
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Reactions: Alison
To have the most accurate hole, bring it to a machinist. He'll make it perfect with a mill. But the other tools should probably do a good job too.
righunter said:
Also, how can I cut the grove for the shaft?

The best way is with a router table. I picked one up for $100. One thing to remember when cutting the track is to not stop. That is once you start cutting the track keep going. Dont rest in the middle. I stopped halfway through and the router bit left a mark in the middle of the track. It was a pain to get rid of it.
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