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Dads a Spearo!

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Well-Known Member
Nov 1, 2005
Saw my Dad (69yrs) at the weekend. My Mum was showing my wife some photos of me as a baby! (why do they do that??) , anyway in the same album she found a picture of my Dad in Mask, flippers and SPEARGUN!!

I think he was spearing in Lake Malawi (1960s)? He had borrowed the Gun from a friend. The second photo showed him with 2 fish he had caught. He claims that smaller fish are harder to hit rofl

Whats really strange is he had never mentioned it. Next time we go for a drink :friday I hope to find out more of his secret Spearo activities!

Anyone elses Dad a secret Spearo?
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my dad tried to convince me once that he too was a spearo. it was really simple, i gave him a speargun and we went in the water, 5 minutes later i was thinking NO WAY IN HELL!!! :) :),
my buddys dad was a major spearo though, whenever we come back froma trip excited about the fish we caught he would put on a slide show of his pics back in the day,..you could literaly see our necks and jaws dropping..:) i need to find another buddy :)
Pav, ask your father lots of questions -- their generation are far more reticent to talk about their adventures than ours. You don't realise until the older folks are gone that there is nobody left to ask ... so ask now!

My father did not care for the water - at all! However, he travelled to some pretty far off, exotic places & was in some pretty dangerous situations (although he never mentioned this), which I now realise I know virtually nothing about :(. When asked, they'll usually tell you -- but you have to ask. Somethings, they prefer to forget though - one of my Uncles (act. father's cousin, I think), apparently saw some pretty awful sights in the army but never spoke of them, he was happy to forget. The other problem as you get older -- you start forgetting things whether you want to or not!
My dad spent 40+ years in the navy and civil service on ocean going tugs,even working with Navy divers for most of his oceaning going life.He served in the Falklands Conflict but he still struggles to swim???

Parents don't you just love them:head :head
He's just returned from Madeira with stories of freedivers collecting Limpets and fishermen droping longlines 1km long to pull up ugly looking Black fish from the depths... only discovered recently?!

also large fish landed on the boats which translate to stone Bass?

:friday he will have also been on the local brew so interested to know more than he does before I next see him ;>) !!

anybody shed some light on the stories from his travels!
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