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damaged railtrack

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2016
So i just discovered that i have some minor damage/chips on my rail/track. Probaly from hunting by some rockformations that came up closer to the surface because of swell and low tide and i had to let go of the gun to retrieve a speared fish and the gun floated away a bit and hit the top of some rocks.

It doesnt look like the the area directly touches the spear when it is in the track, looks like its about 1mm above the side of the spear. However it does get in contact with the mono loop and when sliding the spear back and forward i can feel it.

How much does this usually affect the power/velocity?

It happend on my 90cm gun which i recently bought so i wouldnt be too happy to get a new barrel for it already. I almost wish it happend to my 120 gun instead since im planning to change its barrel for a carbon in the future.

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