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Dapirans video helped me out!!!(grouper and bass)

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Sea fanatic
May 2, 2005
Hi all,
Yesterday I went fishing for bass, I was inspired by "Dapirans" shallow water mullet and bass video. ( I do not shoot mullets BTW, overhere you would need a truck to take them home afterwards ;-)).

I did not see a lot of bass, but I saw this grouper in 2 meters of water, well you do not see a lot of grouper here, but in 2 meters of water?
during a 1 meter espetto I saw him, he saw me too,..went up slowly, took my time, and approached him slowly..took my time and...:friday.
anyways... a pic in the harbour...a pic preparing and a pic on the table...

Today I went for bass again, everything caught in shallow water, or from the surface, Dapirans technique works!!! (the sizes are not as good as a bit deeper but still)

Strange he?, one day you catch a grouper where you would never expect it, next day the bass is everywhere????
BTW, my new gun..the Picasso carbonium 90 works fine for bass


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Very cool report. It alway nice to see that you can get good fish shallow. Some major competitions are won shallow.
This is a good reminder not to just push for depth well spearfishing but work on hunting better. I know I sometimes have pushed for depth when I maybe wasn't completely ready.
The Dapiran video with the Bass is a must have. I can't understand a word but the footage speaks for itself!

Nice haul dude, wish we had as many Mullet over here
What is this magical video then... lets have it ?
Hi Hew. its not a Wizard of Oz video, just be silent and be patient and the Grouper will show its big head, then its all up to you..... :martial..

a picture of the remains of my last meal


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Thanks guys,
Ok, it is a video, however, I followed the way he is fishing, overweighted, espettos from the surface etc, and I have been succesfull.....I was amazed myself!
At the end I was at the surface holding a rock, there was current, very silent and there they were.
I had all these fish on the stringer, I could not have anymore so I decided to try long shots, and see how much I could "play"with them.
I missed a really big one...the eternal story he?:vangry
What is it he says about weight? It's obvious he is a tad on the heavy side but thats as far as I can gather. That bit in the boat about the 2 weight belts are for quick changes between deep and shallow diving setups, yes?
Reactions: Huw
What is it he says about weight? It's obvious he is a tad on the heavy side but thats as far as I can gather. That bit in the boat about the 2 weight belts are for quick changes between deep and shallow diving setups, yes?

Yep, I mean to say "overweighted" in the sense that one is able to do an espetto at 1/2 meters.
Dapiran had some weight at his back aswell, that works also, especially at these shallow depths.
Have a go, it worked for me, I might not be a "proffesional", but it opened a new dimension to me, and the catches werent to bad after all!
How are you finding surface swimming like that?

,hehehe...it is still ok (not as easy as normally), I am not that heavy..., lol
I think, at about 3 meters, with full lungs, I would be neutrally buoyant.
I was "hanging" on a rock on the surface, waiting, first sign of bass, I would sink to about 1.5 meters, with my lungs 75% full.

Did you find that you had to stay down a little longer than normal seeign as you were quite shallow, also is duckdivign down to that depth easy? I can imagine that seeign as your not heading down very deep, it could be hard to get into the right position to decend propery... was it a problem?


Hi Huw!!
I push myself down, holding onto the rock, or push myself behind the rock and then "semi" duckdive, look at the video...
If I see them coming, the bass, I´d go directly down, and wait for about, aproximately 45 seconds orso.
At the end I would just wait holding the rock (on the surface), and wait for them, try long shots, that was a bit harder though..but I had to many fish on my stringer..
Maybe I was lucky...tomorrow morning I go with my buddy for the "holes", something relatively new to me, got inspired by another video.
Ok! I went again today, we were going for "holes" but the weather and currents looked perfect for bass, I used a similar technique and caught 3 nice bass and a spider crab.:friday
(sunday it is supposed to be a perfect day, current, right wind and strong tide...will let you guys know!

Ps. I would appreciate it if members would post their own stories, can be very usefull to all of us!
C´mon let us spice the site up a bit:martial , see to many members going to other sites!!
Hi everybody,
Can you explain me what's exactly is ''the Dapiran Method''?
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He has many methods as far as I know; depends what he is teaching on what paricular DVD. Forum member Spaghetti will know!
Hi everybody,
Can you explain me what's exactly is ''the Dapiran Method''?

Hi Vinz
Well, this is not really a method.
Giorgio Dapiran is a spearfishing "guru" in Europe..
An excellent fisherman, technical, creative, scientifical and has brought spearfishing to another "dimension".
Have a look at his site, or a video, he is truely amazing.
(I was very sceptical in the beginning, "gurus" and "inventors, loads of "followers" but after you have a closer look...)
Anyways, I have learnt many new things already.
Greets!! and enjoy...like his followers say the "master".
Maybe i am looking in the wrong place but do any of his dvd's come in english??
How about the DVD "seabream dynamic way-lay 3". Does that have a language choice in the DVD set up for english?
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