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tropical wuss
Sep 16, 2002
Congratulations to Jon and his wife Lisa (that order should probably be reversed)!!!

Today, Jon is a proud papa. I have no details about his little girl other than a message on my answering machine..."Ted, forget about spearfishing today........I'm a dad". Judging by the restrained elation in his voice, I'd say everything went alright.

The Wisconsin freediver population has just undergone a 50% increase. :)

Join me in giving the guy a pat on the back. Seems that his boys are much better swimmers than he is :eek: .
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Daddy.....where are you daddy......? .....:D
More more babies Jon...I got 3 already.
Hey, I only said hello to your wife, nothing more, I swear!! ;)

Congrats! Having a daughter as a first child is waaay easier than having a son first. My daughter turns 17 on Father's Day and asked for a new car, but my son turned 13 last week and the stud asked for a speargun!!! Yep!, that's my boy! :king

I was bugging Jon a few weeks back...in Canada we say "Ah, your wife pulled the goalie." A little crude, but funny (if you like hockey).
I hope you were able to watch the birth Jon. My experience was watching my sister give birth to her boy with midwives and family around. I watched this little being take its first breath, then he looked me in the eyes.....I was staring into the heart of creation and WISDOM, is all I can say to describe that! If you guys have seen it, you KNOW, if you haven't, you should try.
From my time talking with Jon online, I have no doubt that the world will be a better place with a little version of him and his wife running around :)
Congrats to the little one on a 9 month breath-hold.
Erik Young
Thanks for all of your repiles!

We're all little bit tired right now, but everyone comes home today.

Life is good!:cool:

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You can tell that cutie is Jon's... look how she's hung! rofl

(much love bruddah! :blackeye )

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Oh how cute. Congratulations. Have to get more fish to feed the baby. Ha!

Look! She is trying to hold her breath already!. Congrats on the little bundle of joy:p Best wishes to you and your wife. Just wait, before you know it you will have to give up the car keys.

Blessings to your family,

Congrats Jon!

and baby diving...or is it called baby swimming...:)
A couple of dive buddies surprised me by giving her a baby wetsuit. Swim lessons are in less than 6 months, but it will be a be a while before she can fit into my mono.:D
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I heard that babies are born with no fear of water, and in order to cultivate this, they must be introduced into the water in the first ?6 months of life. If you miss that window, they develop fear of water and this can take a long time to overcome...

I would do some research on babies & water....

Personally I would not introduce a baby into chlorine water (UV or ozone or warm ocean would be better, otherwise they will never want to open their eyes down there).

Mayol's book homo delphinus has a chapter on babies and water. At one point I think he said there was a 6 month old baby that could hold its breath for 3 minutes while playing with toys down there!

Eric Fattah
BC, Canada
Originally posted by efattah
At one point I think he said there was a 6 month old baby that could hold its breath for 3 minutes while playing with toys down there!

:( Dang baby has better bottom time than me!
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