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Mmm... Freediving
Jan 12, 2004
Anybody make their own mask defog solution ? What's it made of ? I'm looking for a good alternative to spending $5 for a tiny bottle.

thanks !
I make my own
I spit on my lenses then rinse them in the water before putting my mask on, dead easy, or you can rub seaweed on them for a similar result. Another thing that helps is if youve got glass lenses not plastic, is to clean the factory gunk thats on them with toothpaste (no matter how old your mask is) then the spit thing is even more affective
Hola amigo!

I find you need a lot of spit, so I go into production before entering the water. Once in the water I fill my mask generously, rinse it around making sure it gets into every corner ofthe mask and then rinse the whole thing out with seawater. A little spit may not do much.

Hey Adrian ! Long time no speak. Are you going to make it back for another installment of PFD ?

I tried the tooth paste on my mask and I'll try the ol' spit method next time I'm in the pool.

thanks for the advice !
mix a bit of that no tears baby shampoo (whatever brand is available in your country) SURFACTANT with a bit of rubbing alcohol (propanol not ethanol) DISPERSING AGENT and thin with distilled h20 (enough to stop frothing when shaken) DILUENT.
a few drops in the lens then rinse leaves a wet microfilm behind that stops fogging.
safe for plastic lenses too, for glass lenses substitute antifreeze, POLYETHELENE GLYCOL for propanol. this is almost identical to the commercial mixes in action.
Reactions: Pezman
If you mask is new coat glasses with toothpaste for few hours if you mask is not new, coat it with toothpaste with half an hour before going to diving and wash it cleanly. When you go the the beach spit in and rinse it with salt water only once or two. I uses this and it really works. If it still fogging after some time in the water let very little water to slip in the mask and let the water moves on the glasses to equalize the temperature. Whole process is not going to take more that 15 seconds
I find that spit works well unless it is a sunny day - then I use spit but also let a bit of water into the mask and when it starts fogging I tip my head so the water runs across the glass, this clears the fog for quite a while - you can tip the water out when you have done this. Works for me and quick easy solution if you are spearing and don't want to spend time sorting it out. Even with a new mask (just got a SupperOchio - v. nice).
I put alot of snorkelers (10-20) in the water EVERY day....I have tried all sorts of things: toothpaste (bad for your eyes, bed for environment), dish soap (bad for eyes), spit (not great in the eyes, too ph dependent), aloe & seaweed (sometimes inconvienient, occasionally odd to transport), commercial defog (not good for eyes, expensive)....the best thing that I have found is Johnson's Baby Shampoo (the "No More Tears" stuff).

It works well, you generally need to reapply before each dive session, but sometimes I have been out and had the mask still stay clear on the second day.

It is mild, not burning the eyes if it is not rinsed properly, and best of all, it is cheap.

For the same price as a little bottle of the commercial stuff in a dive shop, I can buy a 40floz (1182ml) bottle at Costco...and I have defog for all my guests for months.

As an idividual, it might take you the better part of a year to go through one bottle........

Thats what works for me....your individual results may vary......but give it a try.....I think you will be happy too.....especially in the wallet.....
if the mask is used a lot and your face and also the mask is brought to the same temperature (rinse your face and the mask or lay head down in the water) there will be very few fog problems.

yours pat
I remember hearing 20 years ago, about slicing a white potato and smearing the cross section on the glass. I never did try it though.

I heard about the potaro too years ago, never worked for me though Give it ago though, you never know! It may work for you
Softscrub or similar mild abrasive household cleaning fluid on a new mask.. also we used to burn off the new coat with a lighter (on the inside of the mask) taking care only to burn the glass..
works pretty well.
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