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depth for fishing

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New Member
Aug 2, 2004
Hey, I was just curious how deep you all like to (or can) dive. I have gone to 120 feet (35 meters or so), but I prefer to fish somewhere between 40-80 feet where I can get more bottom time. My dives last two minutes at these depths. Thats long enough to get a chance at most fish here on Oahu. So, how does everyone else like to dive?
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This is a good topic. Maybe you should post as a poll. I shot fish at 15m (50 ft) last week and was very happy about that as it was the deepest I have speared anything. Although, most of my fishing is shallower, where most species are, here in Alberta. I think the 4 degree celsius water and near darkness at depth is a bit of a limitation for us here. We freedive much deeper than that in Alberta, especially Erik Y, but as I said hunting is usually shallower.

Lee B
Hunting is rarely very deep.. only when you are going after fish under rocks at depth.. or very clear water, which you might get at Oahu.. in UK most fishing is done around 3m-20m depth..
I can hunt at these depths with ease, have done some diving below 35m but no hunting as my bottom times would be 0.0 so no aspetto atleast.
most of my diving is done at -5m-10m so 15ft to 30ft here and rarely deeper.

Good thread. My pb is 120 feet as well, pretty comfortable 90-110 for line diving, sight seeing comfortable to 90 or so, 1.5 minute comfortable dives. I spear only for dinner these days and almost never more than 45 feet. With clear water and adequate fish, theres no reason to spear deeper.


The water is over 1000'+ deep!!! So luckily, i only need to be able to get to 30'!! :D:D:D:D

Good topic

Normally a I fish at 10 to 15 meters, I think I caught the most around 10, I have fish down to 25 meters with no luck. The deepest I've ever caught a fish was a grouper at 18 meters. But I think that would change depending your geographic location, my numbers are from Brazil. The folks from Europe probably fish the deepest (I would think).
my deepest kill is 89ft, most of my fish are taken in water <60ft. I've dragged a speargun down to 110ft+ a few times - didn't see much in the sand.... of course the beach I'm restricted to now is a maximum of 9ft....

in fresh water most of my shots are in less then 30ft.
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Here in Norway it is mostly from 3-10m
we are hiding in the kelp and wait fore the polloc to get too courious :p

I normally hunt from 1-10ft. Never shot a fish deeper than 12ft. My deepest dive has been 20ft.
fuzz said:
I normally hunt from 1-10ft. Never shot a fish deeper than 12ft. My deepest dive has been 20ft.

Hard to belive Mr. Fuzz :D I want to hunt where you hunt! the water is so hot here in the summer you have to go deep to find anything :(
Anything from horizontal shots on the surface over very shallow reef or down if I swim over a fish but the norm is between 3m and 12m (9 - 40 feet). The deepest Ive shot a fish is 20m.
Has anyone found a depth that seems to work best for aspetto? Ive found that deeper ones bring in more fish, maybe because they cant see you on the surface?
not much realted with the topic but here it goes,

Recently i was reading Umberto's manual of freediving, he said best ascent and descent (if i remmember corectly) rate is 1 m/s. I checked my D3 many times but it constantly increase 0.7 m/s followed by 0.3 m/s that means i displace 1 m/s in 2 seconds. It does not matter how hard i kick which style or how heavy weight belt i try its still 0.7 followed by 0.3. I dived this saturday and sunday (get the PB trigger fish about 7-8 lbs) and especially took care for that matter, i am yet to check the results of the saturday's dive log. But any of you thought about this? How long does it take for you to ascent or descent from 15-20-30 meters?

ps i am using gara 3000
Hi Murat I go down pretty slowly so I guess anywhere from 20s to 45s to get to say 8m then an aspetto until about 1:10 or 1:20 then think about heading up. I find that if I dive down relaxed then I can stay down longer - othr people I know can dive alot deeper but they dive faster and maybe can't hang around as much as me ? Not sure (My PB is a dive of 2:41 and (a different dive) a depth of 14m), I mostly dive to about 5m to 8m for fishing over here but that is the bottom depth at low water (add 8m on top of that on a big spring tide [I think...])

I don't know may be Umberto meant proper technique should yield 1 m/s ascent descent or may be 1 m/s is most efficient way to ascent and descent. Of course that speed alternate for different hunting conditions even for diferent fish species but the quest is going deepest with most efficiency. :hmm
My average descent is probably around .7 m/s, but it varies throughout the dive. At first I am slow, then as I kick more I am faster. But at around 10 meters or so I quit kicking and let my weights take over. At that point I am pretty slow again, but I accelerate as my wetsuit loses buoyancy, and by around 20 meters I am going really fast. At this point I like to move my fin a little so I spiral down. Its probably not the most efficient, but its really fun- has anyone else tried it? My average time on ascent is faster than on descent.

As far as the best depth for aspetto, I think fish seem more curious in deeper and clearer water. Maybe they are more comfortable when they can get the better view. Spearfishing is real popular here, so the fish on shallow reefs are usually really spooked (they are accessible to diver's of all skill-levels). Thats why my favorite depths are between 40 and 80 feet. There are plenty good fish and I can still hold my breath for a minute or two.
Murat, the way suunto gudget record dive might be confusing. Have you tried looking at 10 second intervals, for example, if from 10s to 20s you did 11m then it's 1.1m/s.
I don't really fish but I had dives to 30m or so with average decent speed of 1.36m/s and I've had dives to 28m (with bottom time) at decent speed of 0.76m/s. The slower decent was usually the more comfertable dive with longer buttom time.
As for what Umberto says, I think it's an average...
Maybe do a screen capturewith Control +printscrn
then paste with Control +V in Accessories-Paint
save as a .bmp file.
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wow - is that ever neat - Thanks Huan!

here are two very typical hunting dives for me. very very typical as no fish were shot on either rofl

nothing overly deep, nothing all that long. I make a habit of keeping my dives short. it never fails after a deep long dive you've just started your recovery on the surface and something monster-like swims by and you;re to beat to give chase....


  • 50ft.JPG
    65.1 KB · Views: 208
  • 72ft.JPG
    49.8 KB · Views: 206
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