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Diet and cold tolerance

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New Member
Aug 17, 2004
I am thinking about redoing my diet to better support my newly found lifestyle. I would like to know what this community eats and what kind of cold tolerance you all have.

Basically this is what I am looking for...
This is my current diet

Daily: Brown Rice, Hominy, Cheese, Corn Chips (Made without transfat), Bread, Tea, Carrots, Onions, Garlic, Water, Soy Sauce, Olive Oil
Weekly: Avocados, Tomatos, Bannanas, Kosher Fish, Salsa, Grapeseed Oil
Monthly: Unprocessed red meat, Cola, Ice cream
Never: Pork, Ground Beef, Bird (Chicken, Turkey)

I dive once a week in a quarry. The surface is ~75F. The first thermocline is at 10m and the temp drops to ~50F. I have never been below 20m, but I know there is another thermocline at ~26m that drops to ~ 40F. I dive for about 8 hoursat a stretch. I usually stay in the water the whole time. I feel the thrmocline when I descend past 10 meters. It is a shock. It makes it hard to equalize. I dive without a wetsuit. Just a bathing suit. Still, after a few dives to acclimate myself to the thermocline, it is no problem. I feel slightly clhilled when I ascend, but I can still dive nothing but 20m dives back to back with 3 minutes for breathing in between for an hour without getting even the slightest symptoms of hypothermia. Also, I work in the retail industry, where I spend about 4 hours a day in a cooler.

I would say my cold tolerance is good, but I doubt I could deal with 40F water without a wetsuit for any length of time. I doubt I would even have the sense to equalize in water that cold.
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