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New Member
Jan 27, 2003
I've been reading the posts and DIR diving stuff keeps coming up. Can someone please explain to me what DIR is all about?
DIR-Doing It Right.....well maybe.
DIR is a phylosophy and style of rigging and diving tech gear. Don't know if it extends to rec. diving. I believe it may be based on the Hogarthian system. G.U.E. uses and promotes this also I think. Check out their website for details on DIR. Just keep an open mind when researching this. Contrary to popular belief this isn't the only safe way to tech dive. They have very good reasons for their particual rigging style but like freediving this isn't a one size fits all world and if you're doing it another way you're not doing it wrong. Just my 2cents worth. Sorry I don't know the website for GUE. Sorry if I offended any GUE/DIR followers.
Hi NETRATI...DIR is a undoubtely a good diving philosophy...were develoment from the original hogarthian ideas by WKKP. All divers can get a lot of very useful info and experiences from they...but i think the merchandise deparment is running VERY QUICKY and some divers just adopt some tips and gear ideas instead the philosophy itself...GUE is a very successfuly training agency i just hope the commercial factors won´t affect the minds of theirs instructors...

YES i have a transpac BC as well as "DIR" backplates and sometimes i enjoy diving OW with my transpac with NO problems at all ( using a long hose..i cant see back in this aspect now ). i didn´t sell it....so you don´t need to be a 100% DIR to be a good and safe diver ..Jackets are in my opinion a good choice for recreational divers. i prefer backplates but why DIR divers have to say only bad things about jackets for example.???..Worldwide people are using them..they fill the bigger part of the market with good results. SOME DIR divers think if you are not rigging a 100% DIR gear you will get die the next time you go to dive...but the other day i saw some GUE divers making deep air diving!!!...which is strongly criticized by the DIR philosophy...??? SO GUE courses creates good divers as well as good buyers as well...

DIR is VERY practical and interesting but GUE is mainly a BIG BUSSINESS (like PADI and others ). HALCYON gear is good but is VERY overpriced....i cant believe how much money some people spend for a kit of halcyon´s spring for fins...
DIR does extend to recreational diving. they have a begining fundamentals class where they hammer away on the basics. All of the dives are in less than 25' of openwater and they work on making you a more competent buddy.

If you look at the new NAUI tech diver trianing materials you'll find them to be very DIR oriented.

I do not use all Halcyon gear because there are so amny other companies that make good products for a lot less. Personally, I really like Diverite, but I see that even OMS is coming out with a DIR line of gear- so it must be catching on.

I have dove with GUE trianed divers on wrecks with less than 3' of vis and over 180' of depth. I had never even met these people before the dive, but we were in total synch under the water. That might be the best part of the system. everything works together no matter who you with- if they do it right. With others we have switched out deco regs, bottles, second stages, lights, ect. with each other to make a dive. Everything is interchangable and they are not all the same manufaturer. They are just set up and adjusted the same.

I have dove with non-Dir divers who were competent and safe, but I have to admit that it was pretty much a hit-or-miss proposition when I first met them. I must also admit that the vast majority of non-dir tech divers I have met are a mess in the water. That doesn't mean there aren't good ones out there, just not around these parts. When it comes to GUE trained divers I would have no problems jumping in the water with them the first time we meet.

I used to have a Transpac, but got rid of it and switched to a backplate (Diveirte) and wings (Halcyon) for all of my single tank diving. I think that it fits better , doesn't have any chest strap, that interfered with my drysuit inflator and, most importantly, packs smaller for tropical travel. The only piece of gear the Halcyon really has over the other companies is their single tank wings. Anything else can be gotten for a lot less money from other vendors.

The only bad thing to say about DIR is that some of their main spokesmen can be a bit over the top.

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