I personally have two boats a Hobie adventure kayak and a 23 foot Wellcraft with 250 horse evinrude. I personally get a lot more enjoyment out of the Kayak.
The simple reason the kayak is so much more versatile and cheap. A kayak will get you into channels harbors ponds marshes and areas near shore with no beach. It will also allow open up reefs and wrecks and rocks a couple miles off shore. Plus it carries all your gear. They cut through currents. The also provide similar feeling as diving, the Kayak makes you feel more part of the environment.
Now I personally use my kayak as fishing, spear fishing cruzing /sailing [FONT="]relaxation[/FONT] machine. Below is typically how I use my kayak
Early in the season May June I use my kayak to search for good fishing spots near or offshore. I use my Garmin Handheld to find interesting locations and once I get to the spots, I throw up the dive flag. Then you can either anchor up or attach your self to the boat via float line. I personally tie my boat directly to a spear gun via float line. The kayak becomes the float and dive marker. If I find a good fish location I mark it on my GPS. I will use this information for Kayak fishing tournaments all season long.
Diving: In addition to marking fishing spots, I enjoy spear fishing lobstering clamming and crabbing from my kayak. Most Sit on Top kayaks have large storage areas which can easy hold a couple nice size fish, lobster, clams etc. its great. Many people also scuba dive off Kayaks.
Getting in and out of kayak is a piece of cake but does take some practice. It’s also much easier with fins on. Here’s a link.
TopKayaker.Net: Deep Water Re-entry by Tom Holtey
fishing from a kayak is a lot of fun. There is nothing better than catching a 50lbs striped bass sitting in a kayak AKA Nantucket slay ride. I troll tube and worm rigs or if you’re lucky throw top water plugs into a bass blitz. Most of my Kayak fishing is typically done at night as Striped bass are more active at this time.
Below are link suggestions for great diving kayaks. I suggest something 14 to 16 feet long in the ocean. Longer kayaks are typically faster and cut through currents better.
Fishing Kayak Page - Types of Fishing Kayaks available, detailed decision making information
You don't need to by new either. Buying a used kayak will save you a lot of money.
Sell - Buy - or Trade - Forum By Kayak Fishing Stuff.
My personal favorite kayaks are the Hobie adventure and Wilderness tarpon 16 foot. They both cut though the water like a knife. But they are not as wide and tend to be less stable.
Good Luck.