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Dive Equipment Transfer?

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New Member
Apr 2, 2008
First off hello.
I live in hawaii and have been seriously diving for about two years. I have all my gear (gun,wetsuit,mask,float with line etc.,fins, weight belt) Out here I am covered when it comes to quality gear. I paid a good amount for it all and I love what I have.
My question is this. Besides the wetsuit (water is colder in California) Should I just bring all my equipment home with me or should I start over? I have a picasso 110 modified double band with no reel, cressi sub dive fins, AQA Naida silicon mask and a hard plastic dive float with flag and everything else. What do you know of transfering equipment?
bring your equipment with you! Once you find a good mask stick with it until it dies!

People in California often seem to dive much shallower than in Europe (and maybe Hawaii) for succesfull hunting, but long fins are still used. The water is both colder and darker (lower visability), which makes hunting below 20m challenging and at least if you are doing central to northern california the main rich live zone is 5-20m. With plenty of fish in the first 10m.

The water is olso rougher (though hawaii can get rough!) which makes inner-tube floats more valuable than torpedo style floats because you really want something to grab on to at times. Also if you do ab diving, you have to have the measure, the iron, the tags, and it is nice to have an inner-tube style float to store your stuff in.

I have unusual feet so finding fins that feel good the problem. I find I am more warm with 3mm socks in a fin that fits well (little water moving around the foot) than in a 5mm (or 7mm) sock in a fin that has more water space.

The gun should be fine, but accept that you are going to bang it into some rocks. Having a shorter gun might be nice if you are really doing rock work, but it should be fine.

Weights are something I rent when traveling (even if it cost the same to rent or buy last time I was on Tenneriffe, but by renting I didn't have to dispose of the lead) mostly because of weight allowances.

don't know if that is the kind of advice you are looking for, but hope some of that helps.
Why not man you should stick with what you got, unless you have the $ and time to get new gear but personally I don't see why you would except for a wetsuit.
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