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Divers warn of nets trap

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
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I have seen nets while diving... I think you need to be looking pretty intently at the bottom if you get tangled into a net.. unless the trap is huge and the undewater buoys are near the surface..
The diver was right about the current though.. it could make things much more dangerous...
It's an everyday possible danger, especially due to lost or abandoned nets with no signal or buoy to make them recognizable. This is one of the reasons why divers carry a sharp knife.
A similar danger comes from lost or abandoned anglers lines of pole fishers: being tangled in a rodded line at -15 meters happened to me and I really risked to drown.
If it happens, you must try to keep your self control, pick your knife and cut. Don't try to break nets or lines with the hands, and don't try to untangle yourself: you can't do that, it would be only a deadly waste of time.
Stay calm, pick your knife and cut. It's not easy, but that's your only chance. Then, when you're free from the nets, drop your weightbelt if you can and don't look upwards.
More on [ame="http://forums.deeperblue.net/showthread.php?t=49025"]this[/ame] very scary thread about getting entangled or stuck.
My one and only entangling (thus far) was in the local river. The fishing line wrapped around my right arm and right leg, so it was quite difficult to continue snorkeling. Besides, I had no knife.
Luckly, the water was less than three feet deep, and the problem was easily solved . I hope that's the worst I ever encounter.
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